[HTML][HTML] Societal use of fresh submarine groundwater discharge: An overlooked water resource
Terrestrial groundwater discharging directly into the sea (“fresh submarine groundwater
discharge”, fresh SGD) is increasingly recognized as nutrient and pollutant pathway from …
discharge”, fresh SGD) is increasingly recognized as nutrient and pollutant pathway from …
Submarine groundwater discharge: an Asian overview
Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is the combination of fresh and saline
groundwater flux to marine system through continental boundaries regardless of its chemical …
groundwater flux to marine system through continental boundaries regardless of its chemical …
Advancing land-sea integration for ecologically meaningful coastal conservation and management
Coasts are among our most valuable natural assets but are under intense pressure from
human use and climate change. Despite this, coasts–as a coherent ecological unit–have …
human use and climate change. Despite this, coasts–as a coherent ecological unit–have …
Environmental metabolomics characterization of modern stromatolites and annotation of ibhayipeptolides
Lithified layers of complex microbial mats known as microbialites are ubiquitous in the fossil
record, and modern forms are increasingly identified globally. A key challenge to develo** …
record, and modern forms are increasingly identified globally. A key challenge to develo** …
Reviews and syntheses: Tufa microbialites on rocky coasts–towards an integrated terminology
Microbialites are known from a range of terrestrial, freshwater, marine, and marginal
settings. The descriptive terminology used in each instance depends largely on the historical …
settings. The descriptive terminology used in each instance depends largely on the historical …
The role of pioneers as indicators of biogeographic range expansion caused by global change in southern African coastal waters
Abstract The South African coastline is just over 3000 km in length yet it covers three major
biogeographic regions, namely subtropical, warm temperate and cool temperate. In this …
biogeographic regions, namely subtropical, warm temperate and cool temperate. In this …
Genome-resolved metagenomics provides insights into the functional complexity of microbial mats in Blue Holes, Shark Bay
The present study describes for the first time the community composition and functional
potential of the microbial mats found in the supratidal, gypsum-rich and hypersaline region …
potential of the microbial mats found in the supratidal, gypsum-rich and hypersaline region …
Characterization of the stromatolite microbiome from L ittle D arby I sland, T he B ahamas using predictive and whole shotgun metagenomic analysis
Modern stromatolites represent ideal ecosystems to understand the biological processes
required for the precipitation of carbonate due to their long evolutionary history and …
required for the precipitation of carbonate due to their long evolutionary history and …
Non-reliance of metazoans on stromatolite-forming microbial mats as a food resource
Grazing and burrowing organisms usually homogenise microalgal mats that form on benthic
sediments of many aquatic ecosystems. In the absence of this disruption, microalgal mats …
sediments of many aquatic ecosystems. In the absence of this disruption, microalgal mats …
Conserved bacterial genomes from two geographically isolated peritidal stromatolite formations shed light on potential functional guilds
Stromatolites are complex microbial mats that form lithified layers. Fossilized stromatolites
are the oldest evidence of cellular life on Earth, dating back over 3.4 billion years. Modern …
are the oldest evidence of cellular life on Earth, dating back over 3.4 billion years. Modern …