[HTML][HTML] Recent trends in nano-fertilizers for sustainable agriculture under climate change for global food security
Nano-fertilizers (NFs) significantly improve soil quality and plant growth performance and
enhance crop production with quality fruits/grains. The management of macro-micronutrients …
enhance crop production with quality fruits/grains. The management of macro-micronutrients …
[HTML][HTML] The potential exposure and hazards of metal-based nanoparticles on plants and environment, with special emphasis on ZnO NPs, TiO2 NPs, and AgNPs: a …
In the present age of technological advancement, nanotechnology and its associated
applications have been able to gain attention because of their ability to create a revolution in …
applications have been able to gain attention because of their ability to create a revolution in …
Revolutionizing crop production: Nanoscale wonders-current applications, advances, and future frontiers
Reviewing Agri-nanotechnology from the perspective of nanoparticles and crops will help us
better understand the interactions between nanoparticles and crops, such as uptake …
better understand the interactions between nanoparticles and crops, such as uptake …
Application of nanoparticles alleviates heavy metals stress and promotes plant growth: An overview
Nanotechnology is playing a significant role in addressing a vast range of environmental
challenges by providing innovative and effective solutions. Heavy metal (HM) contamination …
challenges by providing innovative and effective solutions. Heavy metal (HM) contamination …
Interaction of nanomaterials with plants: what do we need for real applications in agriculture?
A Pérez-de-Luque - Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2017 - frontiersin.org
The number of published researching works related with applications of nanomaterials in
agriculture is increasing every year. Most of such works focus on the synthesis of …
agriculture is increasing every year. Most of such works focus on the synthesis of …
An overview on manufactured nanoparticles in plants: uptake, translocation, accumulation and phytotoxicity
The unprecedented capability to control and characterize materials on the nanometer scale
has led to the rapid expansion of nanostructured materials. The expansion of …
has led to the rapid expansion of nanostructured materials. The expansion of …
Barriers, pathways and processes for uptake, translocation and accumulation of nanomaterials in plants–Critical review
Uptake, transport and toxicity of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) into plant cells are
complex processes that are currently still not well understood. Parts of this problem are the …
complex processes that are currently still not well understood. Parts of this problem are the …
Mechanistic evaluation of translocation and physiological impact of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles on the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plant
Sustainable use of nanotechnology for agricultural practice requires an understanding of the
plant's life cycle and potential toxicological impacts of nanomaterials. The main objective of …
plant's life cycle and potential toxicological impacts of nanomaterials. The main objective of …
Interactions between nanoparticles and plants: phytotoxicity and defense mechanisms
J Yang, W Cao, Y Rui - Journal of plant interactions, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
With the rapid development of nanotechnology, the potential releases of nanoparticles (NPs)
have drawn considerable attention. Plants are essential fundamental components of all …
have drawn considerable attention. Plants are essential fundamental components of all …
Exposure of engineered nanomaterials to plants: Insights into the physiological and biochemical responses-A review
Recent investigations show that carbon-based and metal-based engineered nanomaterials
(ENMs), components of consumer goods and agricultural products, have the potential to …
(ENMs), components of consumer goods and agricultural products, have the potential to …