Recreational specialization: A critical look at the construct
D Scott, CS Shafer - Journal of leisure research, 2001 - Taylor & Francis
Recreational specialization has generally been treated by leisure researchers as a measure
of intensity of involvement and has been used to explore variation among activity …
of intensity of involvement and has been used to explore variation among activity …
Push–pull factors in international birders' travel
LJ Chen, WP Chen - Tourism management, 2015 - Elsevier
This study aims to identify international birders' motivations and preferred destination
attributes using the push–pull framework, and to explore their travel behaviors. Through …
attributes using the push–pull framework, and to explore their travel behaviors. Through …
Place-based pathways to proenvironmental behavior: Empirical evidence for a conservation–recreation model
This study expands existing models of proenvironmental behavior (PEB) to examine the
potentially important and interacting influences of nature-based recreation and sense of …
potentially important and interacting influences of nature-based recreation and sense of …
Measuring birding specialization: A confirmatory factor analysis
This purpose of this paper was to test a three-dimensional model of recreational
specialization developed by. The model suggests recreational specialization could be …
specialization developed by. The model suggests recreational specialization could be …
Understanding the birder as tourist: Segmenting visitors to the Texas Hummer/Bird Celebration
D Scott, J Thigpen - Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
Many rural communities are examining nature tourism options, such as birdwatching
(birding), as an economic development strategy. Unfortunately, public media stories, tourism …
(birding), as an economic development strategy. Unfortunately, public media stories, tourism …
Place attachment and context: Comparing a park and a trail within
RL Moore, D Scott - Forest science, 2003 - academic.oup.com
A number of recent studies have focused on place attachment, defined as the extent to
which a person values or identifies with a particular setting. Some studies suggest that place …
which a person values or identifies with a particular setting. Some studies suggest that place …
Serious leisure and recreation specialization
SH Tsaur, YW Liang - Leisure Sciences, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
Most previous research concerning serious leisure has focused on testing the nature of
activities using six distinctive qualities proposed by Robert Stebbins. Viewed from a different …
activities using six distinctive qualities proposed by Robert Stebbins. Viewed from a different …
Moderator and mediator effects of scuba diving specialization on marine-based environmental knowledge-behavior contingency
Given the growth in scuba diving activities and the importance of environmental education
programs to alleviate the potential impacts on coral reef ecosystems, there is a need to …
programs to alleviate the potential impacts on coral reef ecosystems, there is a need to …
Specialization and marine based environmental behaviors among SCUBA divers
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between recreation specialization
and marine based environmental behaviors among SCUBA divers. Additionally, the study …
and marine based environmental behaviors among SCUBA divers. Additionally, the study …
Nostalgia now
MH Jacobsen - Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on the Past in …, 2020 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Names: Jacobsen, Michael Hviid, 1971-editor. Title: Nostalgia now: cross-disciplinary
perspectives on the past in the present/edited by Michael Hviid Jacobsen. Description …
perspectives on the past in the present/edited by Michael Hviid Jacobsen. Description …