Recreational specialization: A critical look at the construct

D Scott, CS Shafer - Journal of leisure research, 2001 - Taylor & Francis
Recreational specialization has generally been treated by leisure researchers as a measure
of intensity of involvement and has been used to explore variation among activity …

Push–pull factors in international birders' travel

LJ Chen, WP Chen - Tourism management, 2015 - Elsevier
This study aims to identify international birders' motivations and preferred destination
attributes using the push–pull framework, and to explore their travel behaviors. Through …

Place-based pathways to proenvironmental behavior: Empirical evidence for a conservation–recreation model

LR Larson, CB Cooper, RC Stedman… - Society & Natural …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
This study expands existing models of proenvironmental behavior (PEB) to examine the
potentially important and interacting influences of nature-based recreation and sense of …

Measuring birding specialization: A confirmatory factor analysis

JH Lee, D Scott - Leisure Sciences, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
This purpose of this paper was to test a three-dimensional model of recreational
specialization developed by. The model suggests recreational specialization could be …

Understanding the birder as tourist: Segmenting visitors to the Texas Hummer/Bird Celebration

D Scott, J Thigpen - Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
Many rural communities are examining nature tourism options, such as birdwatching
(birding), as an economic development strategy. Unfortunately, public media stories, tourism …

Place attachment and context: Comparing a park and a trail within

RL Moore, D Scott - Forest science, 2003 -
A number of recent studies have focused on place attachment, defined as the extent to
which a person values or identifies with a particular setting. Some studies suggest that place …

Serious leisure and recreation specialization

SH Tsaur, YW Liang - Leisure Sciences, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
Most previous research concerning serious leisure has focused on testing the nature of
activities using six distinctive qualities proposed by Robert Stebbins. Viewed from a different …

Moderator and mediator effects of scuba diving specialization on marine-based environmental knowledge-behavior contingency

B Thapa, AR Graefe, LA Meyer - The Journal of Environmental …, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
Given the growth in scuba diving activities and the importance of environmental education
programs to alleviate the potential impacts on coral reef ecosystems, there is a need to …

Specialization and marine based environmental behaviors among SCUBA divers

B Thapa, AR Graefe, LA Meyer - Journal of Leisure Research, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between recreation specialization
and marine based environmental behaviors among SCUBA divers. Additionally, the study …

Nostalgia now

MH Jacobsen - Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on the Past in …, 2020 -
Names: Jacobsen, Michael Hviid, 1971-editor. Title: Nostalgia now: cross-disciplinary
perspectives on the past in the present/edited by Michael Hviid Jacobsen. Description …