A survey on CPG-inspired control models and system implementation
This paper surveys the developments of the last 20 years in the field of central pattern
generator (CPG) inspired locomotion control, with particular emphasis on the fast emerging …
generator (CPG) inspired locomotion control, with particular emphasis on the fast emerging …
Dynamic primitives of motor behavior
We present in outline a theory of sensorimotor control based on dynamic primitives, which
we define as attractors. To account for the broad class of human interactive behaviors …
we define as attractors. To account for the broad class of human interactive behaviors …
Human–robot synchrony: flexible assistance using adaptive oscillators
We propose a novel method for movement assistance that is based on adaptive oscillators,
ie, mathematical tools that are capable of extracting the high-level features (amplitude …
ie, mathematical tools that are capable of extracting the high-level features (amplitude …
Dynamic primitives in the control of locomotion
Humans achieve locomotor dexterity that far exceeds the capability of modern robots, yet
this is achieved despite slower actuators, imprecise sensors, and vastly slower …
this is achieved despite slower actuators, imprecise sensors, and vastly slower …
Body mechanics, optimality, and sensory feedback in the human control of complex objects
Humans are adept at a wide variety of motor skills, including the handling of complex objects
and using tools. Advances to understand the control of voluntary goal-directed movements …
and using tools. Advances to understand the control of voluntary goal-directed movements …
Modeling discrete and rhythmic movements through motor primitives: a review
Rhythmic and discrete movements are frequently considered separately in motor control,
probably because different techniques are commonly used to study and model them. Yet the …
probably because different techniques are commonly used to study and model them. Yet the …
Dynamic primitives facilitate manipulating a whip
Human dexterity far exceeds that of modern robots, despite a much slower neuromuscular
system. Understanding how this is accomplished may lead to improved robot control. The …
system. Understanding how this is accomplished may lead to improved robot control. The …
Robot control based on motor primitives: A comparison of two approaches
Motor primitives are fundamental building blocks of a controller which enable dynamic robot
behavior with minimal high-level intervention. By treating motor primitives as basic …
behavior with minimal high-level intervention. By treating motor primitives as basic …
Bio-inspired controller achieving forward speed modulation with a 3D bipedal walker
Despite all the effort devoted to generating locomotion algorithms for bipedal walkers, robots
are still far from reaching the impressive human walking capabilities, for instance regarding …
are still far from reaching the impressive human walking capabilities, for instance regarding …
Biped gait controller for large speed variations, combining reflexes and a central pattern generator in a neuromuscular model
Controllers based on neuromuscular models hold the promise of energy-efficient and
human-like walkers. However, most of them rely on optimizations or cumbersome hand …
human-like walkers. However, most of them rely on optimizations or cumbersome hand …