[HTML][HTML] Multidimensional electron beam-plasma instabilities in the relativistic regime
The interest in relativistic beam-plasma instabilities has been greatly rejuvenated over the
past two decades by novel concepts in laboratory and space plasmas. Recent advances in …
past two decades by novel concepts in laboratory and space plasmas. Recent advances in …
Theory of fast electron transport for fast ignition
Fast ignition (FI) inertial confinement fusion is a variant of inertial fusion in which DT fuel is
first compressed to high density and then ignited by a relativistic electron beam generated …
first compressed to high density and then ignited by a relativistic electron beam generated …
Weibel, two-stream, filamentation, oblique, bell, buneman... which one grows faster?
A Bret - The Astrophysical Journal, 2009 - iopscience.iop.org
Many competing linear instabilities are likely to occur in astrophysical settings, and it is
important to assess which one grows faster for a given situation. An analytical model …
important to assess which one grows faster for a given situation. An analytical model …
Exact relativistic kinetic theory of the full unstable spectrum of an electron-beam–plasma system with Maxwell-Jüttner distribution functions
A Bret, L Gremillet, D Benisti - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and …, 2010 - APS
Following a recent Letter by Bret [Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 205008 (2008)], we present a
detailed report of the entire unstable k spectrum of a relativistic collisionless beam-plasma …
detailed report of the entire unstable k spectrum of a relativistic collisionless beam-plasma …
Collisional behaviors of astrophysical collisionless plasmas
A Bret - Journal of Plasma Physics, 2015 - cambridge.org
In collisional fluids, a number of key processes rely on the frequency of binary collisions.
Collisions seem necessary to generate a shock wave when two fluids collide fast enough, to …
Collisions seem necessary to generate a shock wave when two fluids collide fast enough, to …
Wakefield-driven filamentation of warm beams in plasma
Charged and quasineutral beams propagating through an unmagnetized plasma are
subject to numerous collisionless instabilities on the small scale of the plasma skin depth …
subject to numerous collisionless instabilities on the small scale of the plasma skin depth …
Relativistic weibel instability
PH Yoon - Physics of Plasmas, 2007 - pubs.aip.org
The relativistic Weibel instability has received much attention because of its potential
application to astrophysical problems. The purpose of this paper is to correct certain …
application to astrophysical problems. The purpose of this paper is to correct certain …
Overview of laser-driven generation of electron–positron beams
Electron–positron (e–p) plasmas are widely thought to be emitted, in the form of ultra-
relativistic winds or collimated jets, by some of the most energetic or powerful objects in the …
relativistic winds or collimated jets, by some of the most energetic or powerful objects in the …
Transverse instability and perpendicular electric field in two‐dimensional electron phase‐space holes
M Wu, Q Lu, C Huang, S Wang - Journal of Geophysical …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
A multidimensional electron phase‐space hole (electron hole) is considered to be unstable
to the transverse instability. In this paper, we perform two‐dimensional (2D) particle‐in‐cell …
to the transverse instability. In this paper, we perform two‐dimensional (2D) particle‐in‐cell …
Nonrelativistic parallel shocks in unmagnetized and weakly magnetized plasmas
J Niemiec, M Pohl, A Bret, V Wieland - The Astrophysical Journal, 2012 - iopscience.iop.org
We present results of 2D3V particle-in-cell simulations of nonrelativistic plasma collisions
with absent or parallel large-scale magnetic field for parameters applicable to the conditions …
with absent or parallel large-scale magnetic field for parameters applicable to the conditions …