A comprehensive review of the bidirectional converter topologies for the vehicle-to-grid system
Over the past decade, there has been a great interest in the changeover from cars powered
by gasoline to electric vehicles, both within the automotive industry and among customers …
by gasoline to electric vehicles, both within the automotive industry and among customers …
State-of-the-art with numerical analysis on electric fast charging stations: Infrastructures, standards, Techniques, and Challenges
Replacement of conventional gasoline vehicles by Electric Vehicles (EVs) attracts the
attention of stakeholders, utilities, and customers. However, to meet this urgent need of EVs …
attention of stakeholders, utilities, and customers. However, to meet this urgent need of EVs …
Sizing battery energy storage and PV system in an extreme fast charging station considering uncertainties and battery degradation
This paper presents mixed integer linear programming (MILP) formulations to obtain optimal
sizing for a battery energy storage system (BESS) and solar generation system in an …
sizing for a battery energy storage system (BESS) and solar generation system in an …
Augmenting electric vehicle fast charging stations with battery-flywheel energy storage
P Mouratidis - Journal of Energy Storage, 2024 - Elsevier
This work investigates the economic efficiency of electric vehicle fast charging stations that
are augmented by battery-flywheel energy storage. Energy storage can aid fast charging …
are augmented by battery-flywheel energy storage. Energy storage can aid fast charging …
PV assisted electric vehicle charging station considering the integration of stationary first-or second-life battery storage
In recent years, the wider penetration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Electric
Vehicles (EV) has required the introduction of new sources of flexibility and adequate control …
Vehicles (EV) has required the introduction of new sources of flexibility and adequate control …
Adaptive control and management of multiple nano‐grids in an islanded dc microgrid system
This paper presents an adaptive control framework for the flexible and effective
management and control of clustered DC nano‐grids (NGs) in an islanded DC microgrid …
management and control of clustered DC nano‐grids (NGs) in an islanded DC microgrid …
Traffic and energy consumption modelling of electric vehicles: Parameter updating from floating and probe vehicle data
This paper focuses on the estimation of energy consumption of Electric Vehicles (EVs) by
means of models derived from traffic flow theory and vehicle locomotion laws. In particular, it …
means of models derived from traffic flow theory and vehicle locomotion laws. In particular, it …
Grid impact of frequency regulation provided by V2Gs aggregated at HV, MV, and LV level
M Bernal-Sancho, R Rocca, G Fernández-Aznar… - IEEE …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Vehicle-to-Grid chargers (V2Gs) are currently considered a key component for supporting
future power systems in primary and especially secondary frequency regulation. Most of the …
future power systems in primary and especially secondary frequency regulation. Most of the …
Optimal sizing and control of a PV-EV-BES charging system including primary frequency control and component degradation
This paper proposes a method for optimally dimensioning the components of a prosumer
energy management system that integrates photovoltaic (PV) panels, multiple bidirectional …
energy management system that integrates photovoltaic (PV) panels, multiple bidirectional …
V2G multi-objective dispatching optimization strategy based on user behavior model
V2G (Vehicle to Grid) technology can adjust the grid load through the unified control of the
charging and discharging of electric vehicles (EVs), and achieve peak shaving and valley …
charging and discharging of electric vehicles (EVs), and achieve peak shaving and valley …