[KNJIGA][B] Společenská odpovědnost firem společensky citlivých odvětví
T Liběna - 2017 - books.google.com
Page 1 EXPERT Liběna Tetřevová a kolektiv Společenská odpovědnost firem společensky
citlivých odvětví Firmy chemického průmyslu Výrobci výbušnin Producenti piva Výrobci lihovin …
citlivých odvětví Firmy chemického průmyslu Výrobci výbušnin Producenti piva Výrobci lihovin …
Emotional map** in local neighbourhood planning: case study of Příbram, Czech Republic
City planning, decision-making and participation in local administration can be sometimes
elitist, closed to the public and non-participatory processes. Citizens are frequently a …
elitist, closed to the public and non-participatory processes. Citizens are frequently a …
[PDF][PDF] Vox Populi, Vox Dei: Local Referenda in the Czech Republic 2000–2020
P Bláha - Journal of Comparative Politics, 2023 - researchgate.net
The present study focuses on the use of the local referendum instrument in the Czech
Republic between 2000 and 2020. This form of citizen participation in political decision …
Republic between 2000 and 2020. This form of citizen participation in political decision …
[PDF][PDF] Как живут центральноевропейцы после «бархатных» революций
НВ Коровицына - Поляки, чехи, словаки. Москва: Институт …, 2019 - instituteofeurope.ru
С течением времени расширился горизонт понимания этапов и особенностей периода
социализма, когда сформировался объединивший нас и наших западных соседей …
социализма, когда сформировался объединивший нас и наших западных соседей …
Crowdsourcing map** and participatory planning support system: Case study of Brno, Czechia
Many cities have started to engage their citizens in collaborative planning and in re-creating
the urban spaces where they live. The case study presented in this paper crowdsourced …
the urban spaces where they live. The case study presented in this paper crowdsourced …
Factors Influencing Online Civic Participation in Mid-Sized Czech Towns.
P Burda, J Abrham… - … in Business & Economics, 2017 - search.ebscohost.com
The goal of this text is to present the Internet as a medium people both can potentially use
and actually use to communicate with public administration and participate in public life. The …
and actually use to communicate with public administration and participate in public life. The …
Opportunities for non-governmental non-profit organizations and volunteering in dealing with pandemic covid-19 and emergencies in the South Bohemia Region
Š Kavan - Caritas et veritas, 2022 - caritasetveritas.cz
A pandemic is often simply perceived as a health problem, or as a health problem that
needs to be overcome with the help of mathematical and statistical principles. The …
needs to be overcome with the help of mathematical and statistical principles. The …
Emotional map** in local neighbourhood planning: four examples from the Czech Republic
Urban planning and decision-making can often be elitist and non-participatory processes.
Citizens are frequently a neglected part of these activities and are usually only involved in …
Citizens are frequently a neglected part of these activities and are usually only involved in …
[KNJIGA][B] Geoparticipatory Spatial Tools
J Pánek - 2022 - Springer
“Space: the final frontier” is the famous line from the Star Trek franchise. In the sci-fi
world,“space” means the universe, but from the perspective of this book,“space” is related to …
world,“space” means the universe, but from the perspective of this book,“space” is related to …
Local or grassroots associations: Micro-associations
DH Smith, DH Smith, DH Smith, DH Smith… - The Palgrave handbook …, 2016 - Springer
This chapter focuses on Local Grassroots Associations (LGAs; usually referred to simply as
GAs; Smith 2000), beginning with issues of definition. LGAs are termed here micro …
GAs; Smith 2000), beginning with issues of definition. LGAs are termed here micro …