Industry 4.0 technologies as enablers of collaboration in circular supply chains: A systematic literature review
Close and novel forms of collaboration among supply chain stakeholders within and beyond
industry boundaries are essential for implementing a circular economy. Industry 4.0 …
industry boundaries are essential for implementing a circular economy. Industry 4.0 …
Supply chain integration and Industry 4.0: a systematic literature review
Purpose The current industrial revolution is powered by data, which is also referred as
Industry 4.0. The Industry 4.0 has attracted significant attention from academia and the …
Industry 4.0. The Industry 4.0 has attracted significant attention from academia and the …
Business model innovation for sustainability: Towards a unified perspective for creation of sustainable business models
Business model innovation has seen a recent surge in academic research and business
practice. Changes to business models are recognized as a fundamental approach to realize …
practice. Changes to business models are recognized as a fundamental approach to realize …
Potentials of blockchain technologies for supply chain collaboration: a conceptual framework
Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate the potentials of blockchain technologies
(BC) for supply chain collaboration (SCC). Design/methodology/approach Building on a …
(BC) for supply chain collaboration (SCC). Design/methodology/approach Building on a …
Supply chain collaboration: Impact on collaborative advantage and firm performance
Facing uncertain environments, firms have strived to achieve greater supply chain
collaboration to leverage the resources and knowledge of their suppliers and customers …
collaboration to leverage the resources and knowledge of their suppliers and customers …
A systematic literature review of cloud computing use in supply chain integration
This paper analyzes the current state of research into Cloud Computing and Supply Chain
Integration with the objective to identify the findings to date, the areas of study developed …
Integration with the objective to identify the findings to date, the areas of study developed …
Supply chain collaboration: conceptualisation and instrument development
Facing intensified global competition, firms strive for greater supply chain collaboration by
leveraging the resources and knowledge of key suppliers and valued customers to reduce …
leveraging the resources and knowledge of key suppliers and valued customers to reduce …
Sustainable supply chain management and partner engagement to manage climate change information
Climate change poses significant new risks and challenges for businesses and their supply
chains. Additionally, in many sectors, Scope 3 indirect greenhouse gas emissions resulting …
chains. Additionally, in many sectors, Scope 3 indirect greenhouse gas emissions resulting …
Buyer–supplier partnership quality and supply chain performance: Moderating role of risks, and environmental uncertainty
In this paper, we examine the relationship between buyer–supplier partnership quality, and
supply chain performance, in the presence of supply and demand side risks and …
supply chain performance, in the presence of supply and demand side risks and …
Does reshoring affect the resilience and sustainability of supply chain networks? The cases of Apple and Jaguar Land Rover
Extending the notion that reshoring can have a significant impact on a firm's supply network
owing to the associated location decisions, we explore how reshoring influences the …
owing to the associated location decisions, we explore how reshoring influences the …