Extended state observer-based sliding mode control of an omnidirectional mobile robot with friction compensation
This paper presents a reduced-order extended state observer (ESO) based sliding mode
control scheme for friction compensation of a three-wheeled omnidirectional mobile robot …
control scheme for friction compensation of a three-wheeled omnidirectional mobile robot …
Prototype development of mecanum wheels mobile robot: A review
MA Abd Mutalib, NZ Azlan - Applied Research and Smart …, 2020 - journals2.ums.ac.id
This paper provides the review and prototype development of mecanum wheels mobile
robot (MWMR). Nowadays, there is a high market demand for a wheeled machine or …
robot (MWMR). Nowadays, there is a high market demand for a wheeled machine or …
[PDF][PDF] Practical applications for mobile robots based on mecanum wheels-a systematic survey
F Adăscăliţei, I Doroftei - The Romanian Review Precision …, 2011 - researchgate.net
In this paper a literature review concerning practical applications for mobile robotic platforms
based on special wheels (in this case, Mecanum wheel) is presented. Mobile robots …
based on special wheels (in this case, Mecanum wheel) is presented. Mobile robots …
A theoretical review of mobile robot locomotion based on mecanum wheels
PS Yadav, V Agrawal, JC Mohanta, MDF Ahmed - 2022 - catalog.lib.kyushu-u.ac.jp
The motivation behind this paper is to introduce a broad survey identified with pragmatic
applications for portable robot stages dependent on specific wheels. In today's technology of …
applications for portable robot stages dependent on specific wheels. In today's technology of …
[หนังสือ][B] Omnidirectional mobile robot-design and implementation
I Doroftei, V Grosu, V Spinu - 2007 - academia.edu
Industrial and technical applications of mobile robots are continuously gaining in
importance. They are already widely used for surveillance, inspection and transportation …
importance. They are already widely used for surveillance, inspection and transportation …
Swedish wheeled omnidirectional mobile robots: Kinematics analysis and control
G Indiveri - IEEE transactions on robotics, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Swedish wheeled robots have received growing attention over the last few years. Their
kinematic models have interesting properties in terms of mobility and possible singularities …
kinematic models have interesting properties in terms of mobility and possible singularities …
[HTML][HTML] Development of a hybrid path planning algorithm and a bio-inspired control for an omni-wheel mobile robot
This research presents a control structure for an omni-wheel mobile robot (OWMR). The
control structure includes the path planning module and the motion control module. In order …
control structure includes the path planning module and the motion control module. In order …
Self-triggered-organized Mecanum-wheeled robots consensus system using model predictive based protocol
In this work, for smoothly achieving the leader–follower consensus formation of multiply
omni-mecanum-wheeled robots (OMWRs) with switching desired relative configurations, a …
omni-mecanum-wheeled robots (OMWRs) with switching desired relative configurations, a …
Investigation of the effects of contact forces acting on rollers of a mecanum wheeled robot
G Bayar, S Ozturk - Mechatronics, 2020 - Elsevier
In this study, the effects of contact forces on the rollers of a mecanum wheeled robot are
investigated. Modeling structures are constructed for the cases of single and multiple contact …
investigated. Modeling structures are constructed for the cases of single and multiple contact …
Trajectory tracking for a wheeled mobile robot with an omnidirectional wheel on uneven ground
H Yang, S Wang, Z Zuo, P Li - IET control theory & applications, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
In this study, trajectory tracking control is investigated based on a double closed‐loop
strategy for a wheeled mobile robot with an omnidirectional wheel on uneven ground. The …
strategy for a wheeled mobile robot with an omnidirectional wheel on uneven ground. The …