[HTML][HTML] Multi-material electrospinning: from methods to biomedical applications
J **ng, M Zhang, X Liu, C Wang, N Xu, D **ng - Materials Today Bio, 2023 - Elsevier
Electrospinning as a versatile, simple, and cost-effective method to engineer a variety of
micro or nanofibrous materials, has contributed to significant developments in the …
micro or nanofibrous materials, has contributed to significant developments in the …
Current status and progress in research on dressing management for diabetic foot ulcer
P Jiang, Q Li, Y Luo, F Luo, Q Che, Z Lu… - Frontiers in …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is a major complication of diabetes and is associated with a high
risk of lower limb amputation and mortality. During their lifetime, 19%–34% of patients with …
risk of lower limb amputation and mortality. During their lifetime, 19%–34% of patients with …
Electrospun nanofibers for drug delivery applications: Methods and mechanism
MM Abdul Hameed… - Polymers for …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Electrospinning procedures such as blend electrospinning, coaxial electrospinning, and
emulsion electrospinning have been used for the fabrication of electrospun nanofibers …
emulsion electrospinning have been used for the fabrication of electrospun nanofibers …
Research progress, models and simulation of electrospinning technology: A review
Y Guo, X Wang, Y Shen, K Dong, L Shen… - Journal of Materials …, 2022 - Springer
In recent years, nanomaterials have aroused extensive research interest in the world's
material science community. Electrospinning has the advantages of wide range of available …
material science community. Electrospinning has the advantages of wide range of available …
Designing biomimetic scaffolds for skin tissue engineering
There is a general increase in the number of patients with non-healing skin wounds,
imposing a huge social and economic burden on patients and healthcare systems. Severe …
imposing a huge social and economic burden on patients and healthcare systems. Severe …
An overview on electrospinning and its advancement toward hard and soft tissue engineering applications
L Muthukrishnan - Colloid and Polymer Science, 2022 - Springer
One of the emerging technologies of the recent times harboring nanotechnology to fabricate
nanofibers for various biomedical and environmental applications are electrospinning …
nanofibers for various biomedical and environmental applications are electrospinning …
Advances in natural product extraction techniques, electrospun fiber fabrication, and the integration of experimental design: a comprehensive review
J Ponphaiboon, W Krongrawa, WW Aung… - Molecules, 2023 - mdpi.com
The present review explores the growing interest in the techniques employed for extracting
natural products. It emphasizes the limitations of conventional extraction methods and …
natural products. It emphasizes the limitations of conventional extraction methods and …
Aloe vera-loaded nanofibrous scaffold based on Zein/Polycaprolactone/Collagen for wound healing
Recently, the use of nanofibers (NFs) for tissue engineering has been more developed. For
this purpose, we fabricated the NFs (Zein/Polycaprolactone/Collagen)(Zein/PCL/Collagen) …
this purpose, we fabricated the NFs (Zein/Polycaprolactone/Collagen)(Zein/PCL/Collagen) …
An in vitro and in vivo study of PCL/chitosan electrospun mat on polyurethane/propolis foam as a bilayer wound dressing
In the current study, we fabricated a bilayer wound dressing consisting of an electrospun
poly-ε-caprolactone/chitosan (PCL/CS) fibrous mat as the sublayer and a polyurethane (PU) …
poly-ε-caprolactone/chitosan (PCL/CS) fibrous mat as the sublayer and a polyurethane (PU) …
An overview of electrospun membranes loaded with bioactive molecules for improving the wound healing process
Nowadays, despite the intensive research performed in the area of skin tissue engineering,
the treatment of skin lesions remains a big challenge for healthcare professionals. In fact …
the treatment of skin lesions remains a big challenge for healthcare professionals. In fact …