[CARTE][B] A practical guide to recovery-oriented practice: Tools for transforming mental health care
Oriented Practice: Tools for Transforming Mental Health Care is an inspiring book, inspiring
not through its loftiness (although it speaks of lofty goals) but in its practicality. It is a book …
not through its loftiness (although it speaks of lofty goals) but in its practicality. It is a book …
Student involvement in individualized education program meetings
We conducted a review of the literature to investigate interventions designed to increase
students' involvement in their individualized education program (IEP) process. Sixteen …
students' involvement in their individualized education program (IEP) process. Sixteen …
Implementing person-centered care in psychiatric rehabilitation: what does this involve?
M Borg, B Karlsson, J Tondora… - The Israel journal of …, 2009 - europepmc.org
Background It has been challenging to move beyond the rhetoric of" recovery" and" person-
centered care" to concrete practices that embody these lofty, if also obvious, values. Method …
centered care" to concrete practices that embody these lofty, if also obvious, values. Method …
The origins of person-centered planning: A community of practice perspective.
CL O'Brien, J O'Brien - 2000 - ERIC
This paper traces the history of person-centered planning in programming for individuals
with disabilities. It begins by describing the context shared by the first four methods of person …
with disabilities. It begins by describing the context shared by the first four methods of person …
Integrating supports in assessment and planning
JR Thompson, C Hughes, RL Schalock… - Mental …, 2002 - meridian.allenpress.com
A systematic approach for addressing the support needs of persons with mental retardation
and related developmental disabilities is presented and a new scale to measure individual …
and related developmental disabilities is presented and a new scale to measure individual …
[CARTE][B] Successful transition programs: Pathways for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities
J McDonnell, ML Hardman - 2009 - books.google.com
This book is available to instructors and students in an electronic version! Addressing the full
range of curricular and instructional issues that face professionals working in middle school …
range of curricular and instructional issues that face professionals working in middle school …
[PDF][PDF] Evidence-based practices for students with severe disabilities
An IC is a tool that identifies and describes the major components of a practice or innovation.
With the implementation of any innovation comes a continuum of configurations of …
With the implementation of any innovation comes a continuum of configurations of …
Where we are now: Perspectives on employment of persons with mental retardation
W Kiernan - Focus on Autism and Other Developmental …, 2000 - journals.sagepub.com
It has long been recognized that employment is a critical factor in independence and
community integration. This article overviews the status of employment for people with …
community integration. This article overviews the status of employment for people with …
How science can evaluate and enhance person-centered planning
S Holburn - Research and Practice for Persons with Severe …, 2002 - journals.sagepub.com
This article argues that the popular, but at times, misapplied approaches of person-centered
planning can be remedied through scientific practices. Person-centered planning is …
planning can be remedied through scientific practices. Person-centered planning is …
Culturally sensitive collaboration within person-centered planning
KJ Callicott - Focus on Autism and Other Developmental …, 2003 - journals.sagepub.com
Person-centered planning (PCP) is a method of support for both individuals and systems.
Through this process, individuals, families, and communities are strengthened by a focus on …
Through this process, individuals, families, and communities are strengthened by a focus on …