Taking heat (downstream): Simulating groundwater and thermal equilibrium controls on annual paired air–water temperature signal transport in headwater streams
Headwater stream temperature often exhibits spatial variation at the kilometer-scale, but the
relative importance of the underlying hydrogeological processes and riverine perturbations …
relative importance of the underlying hydrogeological processes and riverine perturbations …
Train, Inform, Borrow, or Combine? Approaches to Process‐Guided Deep Learning for Groundwater‐Influenced Stream Temperature Prediction
Although groundwater discharge is a critical stream temperature control process, it is not
explicitly represented in many stream temperature models, an omission that may reduce …
explicitly represented in many stream temperature models, an omission that may reduce …
Landscape influences on thermal sensitivity and predicted spatial variability among brook trout streams in the southeastern USA
Warming water temperatures as a result of climate change pose a major threat to coldwater
organisms. However, the rate of warming is not spatially uniform due to surface‐ground …
organisms. However, the rate of warming is not spatially uniform due to surface‐ground …
[HTML][HTML] Groundwater flowpath characteristics drive variability in per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) loading across a stream-wetland system
Groundwater-dependent ecosystems in areas with industrial land use are at risk of exposure
to a PFAS chemicals. We investigated one such system with several known PFAS source …
to a PFAS chemicals. We investigated one such system with several known PFAS source …
[HTML][HTML] Diel temperature signals track seasonal shifts in localized groundwater contributions to headwater streamflow generation at network scale
Groundwater contributions to streamflow sustain aquatic ecosystem resilience; streams
without significant groundwater inputs often have well-coupled air and water temperatures …
without significant groundwater inputs often have well-coupled air and water temperatures …
[HTML][HTML] Simulating present and future groundwater/surface-water interactions and stream temperatures in Beaver Creek, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
In many places, coldwater ecosystems are facing increasing pressure from anthropogenic
warming. This study examined stream temperatures and the water balance in the Beaver …
warming. This study examined stream temperatures and the water balance in the Beaver …
Regularized Latent Trajectory Models for Spatio-temporal Population Dynamics
Climate change impacts ecosystems variably in space and time. Landscape features may
confer resistance against environmental stressors, whose intensity and frequency also …
confer resistance against environmental stressors, whose intensity and frequency also …
The Thermal Response of Small Streams to Atmospheric Heat Waves in the Oregon Coast Range
SN Windoloski - 2024 - ir.library.oregonstate.edu
Abstract Streams across the Pacific Northwest have shown diverse temperature responses
to increasing air temperatures. However, there is a knowledge gap in how short term events …
to increasing air temperatures. However, there is a knowledge gap in how short term events …