[Књига][B] The re-Enchantment of the West, Vol 2: Alternative spiritualities, Sacralization, popular culture and occulture

C Partridge - 2006 - books.google.com
The Re-Enchantment of the West challenges those theories that predict widespread
secularization beyond traditional institutional religiosity. Spiritualities are emerging that are …

[Књига][B] Invented religions: Imagination, fiction and faith

CM Cusack - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Utilizing contemporary scholarship on secularization, individualism, and consumer
capitalism, this book explores religious movements founded in the West which are …

[Књига][B] Religion in consumer society: Brands, consumers and markets

F Gauthier - 2016 - books.google.com
Presenting an overview of an emerging field in the study of contemporary religion, this book,
together with a complementary volume Religion in the Neoliberal Age, explores issues of …

[HTML][HTML] La relación entre religión, espiritualidad y salud: una revisión crítica desde las ciencias sociales

JP Sarrazin - Hallazgos, 2021 - scielo.org.co
En este artículo se presenta una revisión crítica de la literatura científica sobre los efectos de
la espiritualidad y la religiosidad en la salud humana. Mediante un análisis hermenéutico …

Alternative spiritualities and the cultural logic of late capitalism

A Possamai - Culture and religion, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
Some practices in Alternative Spiritualities have been criticised by social commentators for
their 'appropriation'of indigenous cultures. This article will argue that 'appropriation'is not …

How modern witches enchant TikTok: Intersections of digital, consumer, and material culture (s) on# WitchTok

C Miller - Religions, 2022 - mdpi.com
WitchTok describes a sub-section of the social media platform TikTok, which caters to
Contemporary Pagans and other practitioners of modern Witchcraft. Through short micro …

Hedonik (hazcı) tüketimin özel günlerdeki alışveriş kültürü üzerindeki etkisi ve ülkelerarası karşılaştırmalı bir araştırma

D Akgül, İ Varinli - 2017 - acikerisim.uludag.edu.tr
Özel günlerin önemi hızla artmaktadır. Tüketiciler, özel günlerin taşıdıkları anlamları
duygusallaştırmaktadır. Hedonik güdülenmeler nedeniyle, tüketiciler, kendilerini tüketmeye …

A last defense against the dark: Folklore, horror, and the uses of tradition in the works of HP Lovecraft

T Evans - Journal of folklore research, 2005 - muse.jhu.edu
American horror writer HP Lovecraft (1890–1937) was dedicated to the concept of tradition,
including its documentation, preservation, use in literature, and reinvention as an adaptation …

[Књига][B] Religion, media and culture: A reader

G Lynch, J Mitchell, A Strhan - 2012 - books.google.com
This Reader brings together a selection of key writings to explore the relationship between
religion, media and cultures of everyday life. It provides an overview of the main debates …

New age tourism: Challenges and positioning in a changing society

U Stankov, J ČIkić, T Armenski - Tourism Culture & …, 2021 - ingentaconnect.com
New Age tourism is traditionally situated within the scope of alternative tourism and, as such,
it is considered to attract a small portion of tourism demand. However, with the proliferation …