Biogeographic patterns, origin and speciation of the endemic birds from eastern Brazilian mountaintops: a review
We review the main biogeographic and phylogenetic hypotheses about the origin and
distribution of the endemic birds from Brazilian mountaintops, a heterogeneous group …
distribution of the endemic birds from Brazilian mountaintops, a heterogeneous group …
Pollination in the campo rupestre: a test of hypothesis for an ancient tropical mountain vegetation
The campo rupestre is a Neotropical OCBIL (old, climatically buffered infertile landscape), a
grassy-shrub vegetation with high species richness and endemism, characterized by rocky …
grassy-shrub vegetation with high species richness and endemism, characterized by rocky …
Assessing the conservation status of species with limited available data and disjunct distribution
Current techniques for estimating the extent of occurrence (EOO) of species, especially
those with a naturally disjunct distribution and limited available data, lead to overestimations …
those with a naturally disjunct distribution and limited available data, lead to overestimations …
A new species of Cinclodes from the Espinhaço Range, southeastern Brazil: insights into the biogeographical history of the South American highlands
We describe Cinclodes espinhacensis (Furnariidae), a new species discovered at high
elevation in the southern portion of the Espinhaço Range, in the state of Minas Gerais …
elevation in the southern portion of the Espinhaço Range, in the state of Minas Gerais …
Ant fauna in megadiverse mountains: a checklist for the rocky grasslands
The rocky grasslands, environments locally known as campos rupestres, occur mainly along
the Espinhaço Mountains and are considered local centers of biodiversity and endemism in …
the Espinhaço Mountains and are considered local centers of biodiversity and endemism in …
As aves da Estação Ecológica Serra das Araras, Mato Grosso, Brasil
RM Valadão - Biota Neotropica, 2012 - SciELO Brasil
O Brasil possui 1.801 espécies de aves e o Cerrado abriga 856 dessas espécies. Esse
bioma que cobre 24% do território nacional é a maior, mais distinta, mais rica e …
bioma que cobre 24% do território nacional é a maior, mais distinta, mais rica e …
[PDF][PDF] Bird community of upper-montane rupestrian fields in South of Minas Gerais State, Southeastern Brazil
Studies about the birds of rupestrian fields in the south of Minas Gerais State in
Southeastern Brazil are incomplete, although this region is ornithologically well studied. This …
Southeastern Brazil are incomplete, although this region is ornithologically well studied. This …
[HTML][HTML] Flowers visited by hummingbirds in the open habitats of the southeastern brazilian mountaintops: species composition and seasonality
The hummingbird-visited plant community located on the open-habitat mountaintop of the
Espinhaço Range was studied for two years (from August 2007 to July 2009) in Serra do …
Espinhaço Range was studied for two years (from August 2007 to July 2009) in Serra do …
Floral resources and habitat affect the composition of hummingbirds at the local scale in tropical mountaintops
LC Rodrigues, M Rodrigues - Brazilian Journal of Biology, 2015 - SciELO Brasil
Hummingbird communities tend to respond to variation in resources, having a positive
relationship between abundance and diversity of food resources and the abundance and/or …
relationship between abundance and diversity of food resources and the abundance and/or …
Territory Distribution and Habitat Selection of the Serra Finch (Embernagra longicauda) in Serra Do Cipó, Brazil
Abstract The near-threatened Serra Finch (Embernagra longicauda) is restricted to the main
mountain ranges in eastern Brazil inhabiting campos rupestres (rocky fields). We mapped …
mountain ranges in eastern Brazil inhabiting campos rupestres (rocky fields). We mapped …