Cosmic ray feedback in galaxies and galaxy clusters: A pedagogical introduction and a topical review of the acceleration, transport, observables, and dynamical …
M Ruszkowski, C Pfrommer - The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, 2023 - Springer
Understanding the physical mechanisms that control galaxy formation is a fundamental
challenge in contemporary astrophysics. Recent advances in the field of astrophysical …
challenge in contemporary astrophysics. Recent advances in the field of astrophysical …
Molecular Gas and the Star-Formation Process on Cloud Scales in Nearby Galaxies
E Schinnerer, AK Leroy - Annual Review of Astronomy and …, 2024 - annualreviews.org
Observations that resolve nearby galaxies into individual regions across multiple phases of
the gas–star formation feedback “matter cycle” have provided a sharp new view of molecular …
the gas–star formation feedback “matter cycle” have provided a sharp new view of molecular …
The Physical Origin of the Stellar Initial Mass Function
Stars are among the most fundamental structures of our Universe. They comprise most of the
baryonic and luminous mass of galaxies; synthesize heavy elements; and inject mass …
baryonic and luminous mass of galaxies; synthesize heavy elements; and inject mass …
Effects of the environment and feedback physics on the initial mass function of stars in the STARFORGE simulations
One of the key mysteries of star formation is the origin of the stellar initial mass function
(IMF). The IMF is observed to be nearly universal in the Milky Way and its satellites, and …
(IMF). The IMF is observed to be nearly universal in the Milky Way and its satellites, and …
FORGE'd in FIRE: Resolving the End of Star Formation and Structure of AGN Accretion Disks from Cosmological Initial Conditions
It has recently become possible to zoom-in from cosmological to sub-pc scales in galaxy
simulations to follow accretion onto supermassive black holes (SMBHs). However, at some …
simulations to follow accretion onto supermassive black holes (SMBHs). However, at some …
Evidence of high-mass star formation through multiscale mass accretion in hub-filament-system clouds
We present a statistical study of a sample of 17 hub-filament-system (HFS) clouds of high-
mass star formation using high-angular resolution (∼ 1–2 arcsec) ALMA 1.3 and 3 mm …
mass star formation using high-angular resolution (∼ 1–2 arcsec) ALMA 1.3 and 3 mm …
Stellar populations in STARFORGE: the origin and evolution of star clusters and associations
Most stars form in highly clustered environments within molecular clouds, but eventually
disperse into the distributed stellar field population. Exactly how the stellar distribution …
disperse into the distributed stellar field population. Exactly how the stellar distribution …
Planet formation via pebble accretion in externally photoevaporating discs
We demonstrate that planet formation via pebble accretion is sensitive to external
photoevaporation of the outer disc. In pebble accretion, planets grow by accreting from a flux …
photoevaporation of the outer disc. In pebble accretion, planets grow by accreting from a flux …
FORGE'd in FIRE II: The Formation of Magnetically-Dominated Quasar Accretion Disks from Cosmological Initial Conditions
In a companion paper, we reported the self-consistent formation of quasar accretion disks
with inflow rates $\sim 10\,{\rm M_ {\odot}\, yr^{-1}} $ down to< 300 Schwarzschild radii from …
with inflow rates $\sim 10\,{\rm M_ {\odot}\, yr^{-1}} $ down to< 300 Schwarzschild radii from …
Quantifying the energetics of molecular superbubbles in PHANGS galaxies
Context. Star formation and stellar feedback are interlinked processes that redistribute
energy, turbulence, and material throughout galaxies. Because young and massive stars …
energy, turbulence, and material throughout galaxies. Because young and massive stars …