[PDF][PDF] Dynamic analysis of hedge funds
M Markov, I Muchnik, V Mottl… - The 3rd IASTED …, 2006 - markovprocesses.com
In this paper, we review one of the most effective financial multi-factor models, called
Returns Based Style Analysis (RBSA), from the standpoint of its performance in detecting …
Returns Based Style Analysis (RBSA), from the standpoint of its performance in detecting …
[PDF][PDF] Time-varying regression model with unknown time-volatility for nonstationary signal analysis
M Markov, O Krasotkina, V Mottl… - Proceedings of the 8th …, 2006 - researchgate.net
The problem of estimating time-varying regression is studied via a mathematical formulation
of a class of nonstationary signal analysis problems. This problem inevitably concerns the …
of a class of nonstationary signal analysis problems. This problem inevitably concerns the …
Байесовская логистическая регрессия в задаче обучения распознаванию образов при смещении решающего правила
ОВ Красоткина, ПА Турков… - Известия Тульского …, 2013 - cyberleninka.ru
В данной работе рассмотрена задача обучения распознаванию образов, в которой
влияние некоторого скрытого фактора приводит к изменению свойств генеральной …
влияние некоторого скрытого фактора приводит к изменению свойств генеральной …
Dynamic style analysis and applications
M Markov, V Mottl, I Muchnik - Available at SSRN 1971363, 2004 - papers.ssrn.com
We analyze the shortcomings of existing multi-factor models based on portfolio performance
data in detecting investment portfolio dynamics such as gradual style drift or rapid changes …
data in detecting investment portfolio dynamics such as gradual style drift or rapid changes …
The bayesian logistic regression in pattern recognition problems under concept drift
P Turkov, O Krasotkina, V Mottl - Proceedings of the 21st …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The practice always makes us face the challenge of processing pattern recognition data
flows with time-varying target concept, ie, changing statistical relationship between class …
flows with time-varying target concept, ie, changing statistical relationship between class …
Sparse signal reconstruction via orthogonal least squares
A Kaur, S Budhiraja - 2014 Fourth International Conference on …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In the field of compressed sensing, Orthogonal least Square is a well known greedy
algorithm for sparse signal reconstruction. It has been proved that this algorithm gives stable …
algorithm for sparse signal reconstruction. It has been proved that this algorithm gives stable …
Кусочно-непрерывная сегментация экспериментальных сигналов
АГ Дмитриев - ТЕХНОЛОГИИ РАЗРАБОТКИ И ОТЛАДКИ …, 2019 - elibrary.ru
К настоящему времени существует много работ, посвященных анализу структурных
сигналов, обработка которых в большинстве случаев сводится к двухэтапной …
сигналов, обработка которых в большинстве случаев сводится к двухэтапной …
[HTML][HTML] Piecewise continuous segmentation of multidimensional experimental signals
AG Dmitriev - Models and Methods of Information Systems …, 2019 - cyberleninka.ru
An algorithm for piecewise continuous approximation of structural experimental
multidimensional signals with a previously unknown number of intervals for splitting signals …
multidimensional signals with a previously unknown number of intervals for splitting signals …
[PDF][PDF] Pair-wise separable quadratic programming for constrained time-varying regression estimation
O Krasotkina - Proceedings of the 7th IASTED International …, 2010 - researchgate.net
Estimation of time-varying regression model constrained at each time moment by linear
inequalities is a natural statistical formulation of a wide class of nonstationary signal …
inequalities is a natural statistical formulation of a wide class of nonstationary signal …
[PDF][PDF] Вложенные классы моделей нестационарности сигнала в динамическом анализе состава инвестиционного портфеля
МР Марков, ВВ Моттль, ИБ Мучник, ОВ Красоткина - iai.dn.ua
Принцип минимизации структурного риска вложенных классов моделей данных часто
применяется в задачах распознавания образов и восстановления регрессионной …
применяется в задачах распознавания образов и восстановления регрессионной …