[KNIHA][B] Elgar introduction to organizational paradox theory
This insightful Elgar Introduction comprises the first effort to provide a succinct overview of
the field of organizational paradox theory, exploring contradictions and tensions in …
the field of organizational paradox theory, exploring contradictions and tensions in …
Popular culture at work: how emerging adults' favorite celebrity can influence future career aspirations and work ethic
The influence of celebrities on career aspirations has received little attention in vocational
anticipatory socialization research. Two studies examined the potential role of a favorite …
anticipatory socialization research. Two studies examined the potential role of a favorite …
Integrating values into the social learning process: The occupational world in children's television shows in Israel
Children develop their perceptions, expectations, and attitudes toward the occupational
world much earlier than they enter it, also via television which serves as a central …
world much earlier than they enter it, also via television which serves as a central …
“I Value Collaboration but Won't Get Pushed Around”: Uncovering Tensions in Millennials' Vocational Anticipatory Socialization
DJ Woo, V Bertram - Western Journal of Communication, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The present research aims to understand why there have been inconsistent reports about
millennials' workplace behaviors by exploring discourses rooted in their vocational …
millennials' workplace behaviors by exploring discourses rooted in their vocational …
Maybe I Wasn't so Crazy After All: Affirmation Through Workplace Television for Women. A Grounded Theory Expansion of CCO and Institutional Positioning
LM Schwager - 2023 - search.proquest.com
In CCO scholarship the concept of institutional positioning is considered from an institution
to institution level, overlooking the contributions of individuals within those institutions. As a …
to institution level, overlooking the contributions of individuals within those institutions. As a …
[KNIHA][B] Career Frameworks: How Career Frameworks Frame Communication
JK Snyder - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Abstract Changes to the way work is performed over the past several decades due to
economic recessions, unstable job markets, and global turmoil facilitated by COVID-19 call …
economic recessions, unstable job markets, and global turmoil facilitated by COVID-19 call …
[KNIHA][B] “No Plan B Whatsoever”: Student Perception of Vocational Preparedness with Career Ambiguous Majors
HK George - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Organizational socialization is the process of “becoming” within a defined group. This
process begins with Anticipatory Socialization and the initial exposure to norms, behaviors …
process begins with Anticipatory Socialization and the initial exposure to norms, behaviors …