[KNIHA][B] Elgar introduction to organizational paradox theory

M Berti, A Simpson, MP Cunha, SR Clegg - 2021 - books.google.com
This insightful Elgar Introduction comprises the first effort to provide a succinct overview of
the field of organizational paradox theory, exploring contradictions and tensions in …

Popular culture at work: how emerging adults' favorite celebrity can influence future career aspirations and work ethic

MR Aley, KJ Levine - Atlantic Journal of Communication, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The influence of celebrities on career aspirations has received little attention in vocational
anticipatory socialization research. Two studies examined the potential role of a favorite …

Integrating values into the social learning process: The occupational world in children's television shows in Israel

M Aharoni, T Te'eni-Harari, K Eyal - Journal of Children and Media, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Children develop their perceptions, expectations, and attitudes toward the occupational
world much earlier than they enter it, also via television which serves as a central …

“I Value Collaboration but Won't Get Pushed Around”: Uncovering Tensions in Millennials' Vocational Anticipatory Socialization

DJ Woo, V Bertram - Western Journal of Communication, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The present research aims to understand why there have been inconsistent reports about
millennials' workplace behaviors by exploring discourses rooted in their vocational …

Maybe I Wasn't so Crazy After All: Affirmation Through Workplace Television for Women. A Grounded Theory Expansion of CCO and Institutional Positioning

LM Schwager - 2023 - search.proquest.com
In CCO scholarship the concept of institutional positioning is considered from an institution
to institution level, overlooking the contributions of individuals within those institutions. As a …

[KNIHA][B] Career Frameworks: How Career Frameworks Frame Communication

JK Snyder - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Abstract Changes to the way work is performed over the past several decades due to
economic recessions, unstable job markets, and global turmoil facilitated by COVID-19 call …

[KNIHA][B] “No Plan B Whatsoever”: Student Perception of Vocational Preparedness with Career Ambiguous Majors

HK George - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Organizational socialization is the process of “becoming” within a defined group. This
process begins with Anticipatory Socialization and the initial exposure to norms, behaviors …