Black silicon: fabrication methods, properties and solar energy applications
Black silicon (BSi) represents a very active research area in renewable energy materials.
The rise of BSi as a focus of study for its fundamental properties and potentially lucrative …
The rise of BSi as a focus of study for its fundamental properties and potentially lucrative …
Plasma nanoscience: from nano-solids in plasmas to nano-plasmas in solids
The unique plasma-specific features and physical phenomena in the organization of
nanoscale soild-state systems in a broad range of elemental composition, structure, and …
nanoscale soild-state systems in a broad range of elemental composition, structure, and …
Anti-reflecting and photonic nanostructures
Optical reflection, or in other words the loss of reflection, from a surface becomes
increasingly crucial in determining the extent of the light-matter interaction. The simplest …
increasingly crucial in determining the extent of the light-matter interaction. The simplest …
Improved broadband and quasi-omnidirectional anti-reflection properties with biomimetic silicon nanostructures
Nature routinely produces nanostructured surfaces with useful properties,,,, such as the self-
cleaning lotus leaf, the colour of the butterfly wing, the photoreceptor in brittlestar and the …
cleaning lotus leaf, the colour of the butterfly wing, the photoreceptor in brittlestar and the …
Controlling roughness: from etching to nanotexturing and plasma-directed organization on organic and inorganic materials
We describe how plasma–wall interactions in etching plasmas lead to either random
roughening/nanotexturing of polymeric and silicon surfaces, or formation of organized …
roughening/nanotexturing of polymeric and silicon surfaces, or formation of organized …