Whispering-gallery-mode sensors for biological and physical sensing
The term whispering gallery mode (WGM) was first introduced to describe the curvilinear
propagation of sound waves under a cathedral dome. The physical concept has now been …
propagation of sound waves under a cathedral dome. The physical concept has now been …
Cavity-based quantum networks with single atoms and optical photons
A Reiserer, G Rempe - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2015 - APS
Distributed quantum networks will allow users to perform tasks and to interact in ways which
are not possible with present-day technology. Their implementation is a key challenge for …
are not possible with present-day technology. Their implementation is a key challenge for …
Nonreciprocal superradiant phase transitions and multicriticality in a cavity QED system
We demonstrate the emergence of nonreciprocal superradiant phase transitions and novel
multicriticality in a cavity quantum electrodynamics system, where a two-level atom interacts …
multicriticality in a cavity quantum electrodynamics system, where a two-level atom interacts …
All-optical routing of single photons by a one-atom switch controlled by a single photon
The prospect of quantum networks, in which quantum information is carried by single
photons in photonic circuits, has long been the driving force behind the effort to achieve all …
photons in photonic circuits, has long been the driving force behind the effort to achieve all …
Nonreciprocal bundle emissions of quantum entangled pairs
Realizing precise control over multiquanta emission is crucial for quantum information
processing, especially when integrated with advanced techniques of manipulating quantum …
processing, especially when integrated with advanced techniques of manipulating quantum …
Strong coupling between single atoms and nontransversal photons
Light is often described as a fully transverse-polarized wave, ie, with an electric field vector
that is orthogonal to the direction of propagation. However, light confined in dielectric …
that is orthogonal to the direction of propagation. However, light confined in dielectric …
Fabrication of high-Q lithium niobate microresonators using femtosecond laser micromachining
We report on fabrication of high-Q lithium niobate (LN) whispering-gallery-mode (WGM)
microresonators suspended on silica pedestals by femtosecond laser direct writing followed …
microresonators suspended on silica pedestals by femtosecond laser direct writing followed …
Coherence and Raman sideband cooling of a single atom in an optical tweezer
We investigate quantum control of a single atom in a tightly focused optical tweezer trap. We
show that inevitable spatially varying polarization gives rise to significant internal-state …
show that inevitable spatially varying polarization gives rise to significant internal-state …
Cavity QED with atomic mirrors
A promising approach to merge atomic systems with scalable photonics has emerged
recently, which consists of trap** cold atoms near tapered nanofibers. Here, we describe a …
recently, which consists of trap** cold atoms near tapered nanofibers. Here, we describe a …
Fiber-optical switch controlled by a single atom
We demonstrate highly efficient switching of optical signals between two optical fibers
controlled by a single atom. The key element of our experiment is a whispering-gallery …
controlled by a single atom. The key element of our experiment is a whispering-gallery …