Direct air capture: process technology, techno-economic and socio-political challenges
Climate change mitigation scenarios that meet the Paris Agreement's objective of limiting
global warming usually assume an important role for carbon dioxide removal and negative …
global warming usually assume an important role for carbon dioxide removal and negative …
The structure, distribution, and biomass of the world's forests
Forests are the dominant terrestrial ecosystem on Earth. We review the environmental
factors controlling their structure and global distribution and evaluate their current and future …
factors controlling their structure and global distribution and evaluate their current and future …
Individual tree segmentation and tree species classification in subtropical broadleaf forests using UAV-based LiDAR, hyperspectral, and ultrahigh-resolution RGB data
Accurate classification of individual tree species is essential for inventorying, managing, and
protecting forest resources. Individual tree species classification in subtropical forests …
protecting forest resources. Individual tree species classification in subtropical forests …
Negative emissions—Part 2: Costs, potentials and side effects
The most recent IPCC assessment has shown an important role for negative emissions
technologies (NETs) in limiting global warming to 2 C cost-effectively. However, a bottom-up …
technologies (NETs) in limiting global warming to 2 C cost-effectively. However, a bottom-up …
Influence of tech-industry, natural resources, renewable energy and urbanization towards environment footprints: A fresh evidence of Saudi Arabia
This study examines the significance of technological industry and forest on environmental
footprints. As control variables, we included renewable energy, and urbanization for …
footprints. As control variables, we included renewable energy, and urbanization for …
Forest management for carbon sequestration and climate adaptation
The importance of forests for sequestering carbon has created widespread interest among
land managers for identifying actions that maintain or enhance carbon storage in forests …
land managers for identifying actions that maintain or enhance carbon storage in forests …
Observed and anticipated impacts of drought on forest insects and diseases in the United States
Future anthropogenic-induced changes to the earth's climate will likely include increases in
temperature and changes in precipitation that will increase the frequency and severity of …
temperature and changes in precipitation that will increase the frequency and severity of …
Forest fire susceptibility map** with sensitivity and uncertainty analysis using machine learning and deep learning algorithms
In the hilly region of the Western Himalayas, forest fires play a crucial role in forest
destruction and biodiversity loss. Therefore, addressing the problem of forest fires is an …
destruction and biodiversity loss. Therefore, addressing the problem of forest fires is an …
[CARTE][B] Ecology and management of forest soils
D Binkley, RF Fisher - 2019 - books.google.com
Contemporary soil science and conservation methods of effective forestry Forests and the
soils that serve as their foundation cover almost a third of the world's land area. Soils …
soils that serve as their foundation cover almost a third of the world's land area. Soils …
Biological invasions in forest ecosystems
Forests play critical roles in global ecosystem processes and provide numerous services to
society. But forests are increasingly affected by a variety of human influences, especially …
society. But forests are increasingly affected by a variety of human influences, especially …