Dipolar physics: a review of experiments with magnetic quantum gases

L Chomaz, I Ferrier-Barbut, F Ferlaino… - Reports on Progress …, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
Since the achievement of quantum degeneracy in gases of chromium atoms in 2004, the
experimental investigation of ultracold gases made of highly magnetic atoms has …

Quantum Simulation of Spin-1 XXZ-Heisenberg Models and the Haldane Phase with Dysprosium

K Brechtelsbauer, J Mögerle, HP Büchler - ar** and Transverse Laser Cooling of a Thermal Atomic Beam of Dysprosium Using a Single 421 nm Laser
R Chakravarthy, J Agil, A Sharma, JB Kim… - ar** and transverse laser
cooling of a dysprosium (Dy) atomic beam on the $4 f^{10} 6s^ 2 (J= 8)\rightarrow 4f^{10} …

Efficient demagnetization cooling of atoms and its limits

VV Volchkov, J Rührig, T Pfau, A Griesmaier - Physical Review A, 2014 - APS
Demagnetization cooling relies on spin-orbit coupling that brings motional and spin degrees
of freedom into thermal equilibrium. In the case of a gas, one has the advantage that the spin …

Rubidium isotope shift measurement using noisy lasers

TJ Bucci, J Feigert, M Crescimanno… - American Journal of …, 2021 - pubs.aip.org
The data that students collect from the typical advanced undergraduate experiment on
saturated absorption spectroscopy (SAS) of rubidium can be used to measure the isotope …

Observation of the 162Dy–164Dy Isotope Shift for the 0 → 16 717.79 cm−1 Optical Transition

LF Nardin Barreta, AR Victor, P Bueno… - Applied …, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
In this work, we report a newly observed isotope shift between 162Dy and 164Dy isotopes
for the 0→ 16 717.79 cm− 1 (598.003 nm) optical transition. We compared the newly …

Theoretical study of the trapped dipolar Bose gas in the ultra-cold regime

RN Bisset - 2013 - ourarchive.otago.ac.nz
The work of this thesis concerns the properties of a Bose gas of polarised dipoles that have
long-range and anisotropic interactions. Our work is divided into two parts. First, the stability …

Isotope shift measurements in 555-833 nm wavelength region with FTS and electronic configuration assignments to the energy levels of neutral dysprosium atom

BK Ankush, SA Ahmad, MN Deo - Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Precise spectroscopic measurements of isotope shift (IS), Δσ (160 Dy-164 Dy) have been
carried out in the 258 atomic emission lines of neutral dysprosium covering 555–833 nm …

[PDF][PDF] A Permanent Magnet Trap For Buffer Gas Cooled Atoms

D Nohlmans - 2015 - core.ac.uk
Achieving precise control over an array of ultracold molecules would provide a unique tool-
set for carrying out quantum simulations and quantum computations, as a result of the …