Patterns and processes in the drift of early developmental stages of fish in rivers: a review
Current-mediated downstream dispersal by the early developmental stages of fish in rivers
is a common phenomenon. Knowledge of patterns and processes in the dispersal, or 'drift' …
is a common phenomenon. Knowledge of patterns and processes in the dispersal, or 'drift' …
[KNJIGA][B] Ecology of Atlantic salmon and brown trout: habitat as a template for life histories
Destruction of habitat is the major cause for loss of biodiversity including variation in life
history and habitat ecology. Each species and population adapts to its environment …
history and habitat ecology. Each species and population adapts to its environment …
Hydraulic forces impact larval fish drift in the free flowing section of a large European river
Dispersal of fluvial freshwater fish larvae occurs commonly in heavily regulated rivers.
Studies increasingly indicate that drifting young fish have an active component to their …
Studies increasingly indicate that drifting young fish have an active component to their …
Fine-scale movement response of juvenile brown trout to hydropeaking
Juvenile fish are known to be the most impacted during hydropeaking events due to
stranding or uncontrolled drift resulting from changes to water depth and flow velocity. To …
stranding or uncontrolled drift resulting from changes to water depth and flow velocity. To …
Influence of hydrologic attributes on brown trout recruitment in low-latitude range margins
Factors controlling brown trout Salmo trutta recruitment in Mediterranean areas are largely
unknown, despite the relevance this may have for fisheries management. The effect of …
unknown, despite the relevance this may have for fisheries management. The effect of …
Making up the bed: Gravel cleaning as a contribution to nase (Chondrostoma nasus L.) spawning and recruitment success
C Nagel, M Mueller, J Pander… - … Conservation: Marine and …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Spawning substrate quality is a major factor influencing the early ontogeny of European
nase (Chondrostoma nasus), a target species of conservation. Analogous to findings from …
nase (Chondrostoma nasus), a target species of conservation. Analogous to findings from …
Small-scale dispersal and population structure in stream-living brown trout (Salmo trutta) inferred by mark–recapture, pedigree reconstruction, and population …
Many animals move among habitats, and even small-scale dispersal of individuals between
habitat patches may have strong implications for population dynamics and structure. Here …
habitat patches may have strong implications for population dynamics and structure. Here …
Dispersal and retention of larval fish in a potential nursery habitat of a large temperate river: an experimental study
E Schludermann, M Tritthart… - Canadian Journal of …, 2012 - cdnsciencepub.com
Little information is available on governing factors of larval fish dispersal in natural river
systems. Therefore, we aimed to describe dispersal and retention of marked larval nase …
systems. Therefore, we aimed to describe dispersal and retention of marked larval nase …
Mass‐marking of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) larvae by alizarin: method and evaluation of stocking
J Baer, R Rösch - Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
This study describes otolith marking of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) larvae by immersion in
different solutions of alizarin red S (ARS). The best results were obtained after marking with …
different solutions of alizarin red S (ARS). The best results were obtained after marking with …
Relating juvenile spatial distribution to breeding patterns in anadromous salmonid populations
Spatial within‐population heterogeneity in density probably affects competition intensity and
may have a fundamental role in sha** population dynamics and carrying capacity. This …
may have a fundamental role in sha** population dynamics and carrying capacity. This …