Africa's urbanization: Challenges and opportunities

M Freire, S Lall, D Leipziger - 2015 -
This chapter examines Africa's urbanization and the challenges and opportunities it
presents, with emphasis on what it will take to make African cities efficient, sustainable, and …

[HTML][HTML] Adaptation to land constraints: Is Africa different?

DD Headey, TS Jayne - Food Policy, 2014 - Elsevier
Since the seminal works of Malthus and Boserup, scientists have long debated the impact of
population growth and land constraints on the wellbeing of rural people. Today these …

Trade, structural transformation, and development: Evidence from argentina 1869–1914

P Fajgelbaum, SJ Redding - Journal of political economy, 2022 -
We provide new theory and evidence on the role of external and internal integration in
structural transformation and economic development, using Argentina's integration into the …

Kentsel Ulaşim Hizmetlerinin Planlanmasi Ve Yönetiminde Sürdürülebilir Politika Önerileri

F Akbulut - Kastamonu Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler …, 2016 -
Kentleşme, sanayileşme ve nüfus yoğunluğunun artması, kent merkezlerinde yerleşim
alanlarının daralmasına ve kentlerin fiziki sınırlar açısından genişlemesine yol açmaktadır …

[HTML][HTML] Structural transformation, urbanization, and remittances in develo** countries: A panel VAR analysis

SA Abbas, S Selvanathan, EA Selvanathan - Economic Analysis and Policy, 2023 - Elsevier
Structural transformation and urbanization have increased greatly in develo** countries
over the last few decades. Migrant remittances—private external financial flows—have also …

Winning the oil lottery: The impact of natural resource extraction on growth

T Cavalcanti, D Da Mata, F Toscani - Journal of Economic Growth, 2019 - Springer
This paper provides evidence of the causal impact of oil discoveries on local development.
Novel data covering the universe of oil wells drilled in Brazil allow us to exploit a quasi …

External integration, structural transformation and economic development: Evidence from argentina 1870-1914

PD Fajgelbaum, SJ Redding - 2014 -
This paper uses the natural experiment of Argentina's integration into world markets in the
late-nineteenth century to provide evidence on the role of internal geography in sha** the …

The asymmetrical impact of the economic crisis on unemployment and welfare in Greek urban economies

T Palaskas, Y Psycharis, A Rovolis… - Journal of Economic …, 2015 -
The article analyses the impact of the ongoing economic crisis on Greek urban economies.
Utilizing a dataset of socio-economic, demographic and policy variables at the municipal …

[KNIHA][B] Disrupted Development and the Future of Inequality in the Age of Automation

L Schlogl, A Sumner - 2020 -
This open access book examines the future of inequality, work and wages in the age of
automation with a focus on develo** countries. The authors argue that the rise of a global …

Does electricity drive structural transformation? Evidence from the United States

P Gaggl, R Gray, I Marinescu, M Morin - Labour Economics, 2021 - Elsevier
Electricity was the catalyst for the second industrial revolution in the early twentieth century.
Develo** countries are currently making huge investments in this general-purpose …