Africa's urbanization: Challenges and opportunities
M Freire, S Lall, D Leipziger - 2015 -
This chapter examines Africa's urbanization and the challenges and opportunities it
presents, with emphasis on what it will take to make African cities efficient, sustainable, and …
presents, with emphasis on what it will take to make African cities efficient, sustainable, and …
[HTML][HTML] Adaptation to land constraints: Is Africa different?
Since the seminal works of Malthus and Boserup, scientists have long debated the impact of
population growth and land constraints on the wellbeing of rural people. Today these …
population growth and land constraints on the wellbeing of rural people. Today these …
Trade, structural transformation, and development: Evidence from argentina 1869–1914
We provide new theory and evidence on the role of external and internal integration in
structural transformation and economic development, using Argentina's integration into the …
structural transformation and economic development, using Argentina's integration into the …
Kentsel Ulaşim Hizmetlerinin Planlanmasi Ve Yönetiminde Sürdürülebilir Politika Önerileri
F Akbulut - Kastamonu Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler …, 2016 -
Kentleşme, sanayileşme ve nüfus yoğunluğunun artması, kent merkezlerinde yerleşim
alanlarının daralmasına ve kentlerin fiziki sınırlar açısından genişlemesine yol açmaktadır …
alanlarının daralmasına ve kentlerin fiziki sınırlar açısından genişlemesine yol açmaktadır …
[HTML][HTML] Structural transformation, urbanization, and remittances in develo** countries: A panel VAR analysis
Structural transformation and urbanization have increased greatly in develo** countries
over the last few decades. Migrant remittances—private external financial flows—have also …
over the last few decades. Migrant remittances—private external financial flows—have also …
Winning the oil lottery: The impact of natural resource extraction on growth
This paper provides evidence of the causal impact of oil discoveries on local development.
Novel data covering the universe of oil wells drilled in Brazil allow us to exploit a quasi …
Novel data covering the universe of oil wells drilled in Brazil allow us to exploit a quasi …
External integration, structural transformation and economic development: Evidence from argentina 1870-1914
PD Fajgelbaum, SJ Redding - 2014 -
This paper uses the natural experiment of Argentina's integration into world markets in the
late-nineteenth century to provide evidence on the role of internal geography in sha** the …
late-nineteenth century to provide evidence on the role of internal geography in sha** the …
The asymmetrical impact of the economic crisis on unemployment and welfare in Greek urban economies
The article analyses the impact of the ongoing economic crisis on Greek urban economies.
Utilizing a dataset of socio-economic, demographic and policy variables at the municipal …
Utilizing a dataset of socio-economic, demographic and policy variables at the municipal …
[KNIHA][B] Disrupted Development and the Future of Inequality in the Age of Automation
This open access book examines the future of inequality, work and wages in the age of
automation with a focus on develo** countries. The authors argue that the rise of a global …
automation with a focus on develo** countries. The authors argue that the rise of a global …
Does electricity drive structural transformation? Evidence from the United States
Electricity was the catalyst for the second industrial revolution in the early twentieth century.
Develo** countries are currently making huge investments in this general-purpose …
Develo** countries are currently making huge investments in this general-purpose …