Coarse-grain dem modelling in fluidized bed simulation: A review
In the last decade, a few of the early attempts to bring CFD-DEM of fluidized beds beyond
the limits of small, lab-scale units to larger scale systems have become popular. The …
the limits of small, lab-scale units to larger scale systems have become popular. The …
Computational fluid dynamics of reacting flows at surfaces: methodologies and applications
This review presents the numerical algorithms and speed‐up strategies developed to couple
continuum macroscopic simulations and detailed microkinetic models in the context of …
continuum macroscopic simulations and detailed microkinetic models in the context of …
[HTML][HTML] Fast, flexible particle simulations—an introduction to MercuryDPM
We introduce the open-source package MercuryDPM, which we have been develo** over
the last few years. MercuryDPM is a code for discrete particle simulations. It simulates the …
the last few years. MercuryDPM is a code for discrete particle simulations. It simulates the …
DEM study of mechanical characteristics of multi-spherical and superquadric particles at micro and macro scales
Multi-spheres and Superquadrics are popular approaches for addressing particle shape
effect in the Discrete Element Method (DEM). This study focuses on the mechanical …
effect in the Discrete Element Method (DEM). This study focuses on the mechanical …
DEM analysis of small and small-to-medium strain shear modulus of sands
Despite the significant progresses in discrete-based numerical studies of granular materials,
most efforts have been placed in the study of large deformation problems and there are …
most efforts have been placed in the study of large deformation problems and there are …
[HTML][HTML] Concurrent multi-scale modeling of granular materials: Role of coarse-graining in FEM-DEM coupling
The finite element method (FEM) is commonly used for modeling continuum media, while
particle simulation methods like the so-called discrete element method (DEM) are used for …
particle simulation methods like the so-called discrete element method (DEM) are used for …
Pedestrian collective motion in competitive room evacuation
When a sizable number of people evacuate a room, if the door is not large enough, an
accumulation of pedestrians in front of the exit may take place. This is the cause of emerging …
accumulation of pedestrians in front of the exit may take place. This is the cause of emerging …
DEM study in the critical height of flow mechanism transition in a conical silo
Y Zhang, F Jia, Y Zeng, Y Han, Y **ao - Powder Technology, 2018 - Elsevier
The discharging in silo presents the characteristics of mass flow in the upper part and funnel
flow in the lower part. Obviously, there is a special position where the flow pattern transition …
flow in the lower part. Obviously, there is a special position where the flow pattern transition …
Multi-level coarse-grain model of the DEM
The ability to model granular systems at the level of individual particles has largely
conduced to the success of the discrete element method (DEM). At the same time, this …
conduced to the success of the discrete element method (DEM). At the same time, this …
Calibration of DEM simulations for dynamic particulate systems
Calibration and validation represent crucial but often-overlooked ingredients in the
successful application of discrete element method (DEM) simulations. Without rigorous …
successful application of discrete element method (DEM) simulations. Without rigorous …