Mid-infrared single-pixel imaging at the single-photon level
Single-pixel cameras have recently emerged as promising alternatives to multi-pixel sensors
due to reduced costs and superior durability, which are particularly attractive for mid-infrared …
due to reduced costs and superior durability, which are particularly attractive for mid-infrared …
Wide-field mid-infrared single-photon upconversion imaging
Frequency upconversion technique, where the infrared signal is nonlinearly translated into
the visible band to leverage the silicon sensors, offers a promising alternation for the mid …
the visible band to leverage the silicon sensors, offers a promising alternation for the mid …
[PDF][PDF] Recent advances on non-line-of-sight imaging: Conventional physical models, deep learning, and new scenes
As an emerging technology that has attracted huge attention, non-line-ofsight (NLOS)
imaging can reconstruct hidden objects by analyzing the diffuse reflection on a relay surface …
imaging can reconstruct hidden objects by analyzing the diffuse reflection on a relay surface …
Emerging single-photon detection technique for high-performance photodetector
J Liu, Z Peng, C Tan, L Yang, R Xu, Z Wang - Frontiers of Physics, 2024 - Springer
Single-photon detections (SPDs) represent a highly sensitive light detection technique
capable of detecting individual photons at extremely low light intensity levels. This …
capable of detecting individual photons at extremely low light intensity levels. This …
Learning diffractive optical communication around arbitrary opaque occlusions
Free-space optical communication becomes challenging when an occlusion blocks the light
path. Here, we demonstrate a direct communication scheme, passing optical information …
path. Here, we demonstrate a direct communication scheme, passing optical information …
Vectorial‐Optics‐Enabled Multi‐View Non‐Line‐Of‐Sight Imaging with High Signal‐To‐Noise Ratio
Abstract Non‐line‐of‐sight (NLOS) imaging enables the reconstruction of targets beyond the
direct line of sight, which has extensive applications across various fields. However, it …
direct line of sight, which has extensive applications across various fields. However, it …
Non-line-of-sight imaging and vibrometry using a comb-calibrated coherent sensor
Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging has the ability to reconstruct hidden objects, allowing a
wide range of applications. Existing NLOS systems rely on pulsed lasers and time-resolved …
wide range of applications. Existing NLOS systems rely on pulsed lasers and time-resolved …
Real-time non-line-of-sight computational imaging using spectrum filtering and motion compensation
Abstract Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging aims at recovering the shape and albedo of
hidden objects. Despite recent advances, real-time video of complex and dynamic scenes …
hidden objects. Despite recent advances, real-time video of complex and dynamic scenes …
Dynamic non-line-of-sight imaging system based on the optimization of point spread functions
Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging reveals hidden objects reflected from diffusing surfaces or
behind scattering media. NLOS reconstruction is usually achieved by computational …
behind scattering media. NLOS reconstruction is usually achieved by computational …
Non-line-of-sight imaging at infrared wavelengths using a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector
Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging can visualize a remote object out of the direct line of sight
and can potentially be used in endoscopy, unmanned vehicles, and robotic vision. In an …
and can potentially be used in endoscopy, unmanned vehicles, and robotic vision. In an …