Global connections between aeolian dust, climate and ocean biogeochemistry at the present day and at the last glacial maximum
Palaeo-dust records in sediments and ice cores show that wind-borne mineral aerosol
('dust') is strongly linked with climate state. During glacial climate stages, for example, the …
('dust') is strongly linked with climate state. During glacial climate stages, for example, the …
A review on East Asian dust storm climate, modelling and monitoring
Y Shao, CH Dong - Global and Planetary Change, 2006 - Elsevier
In arid and semi-arid area of Asia, dust storms occur frequently. Asian dust storms have a
major impact on the air quality of the densely populated areas of China, Korea and Japan …
major impact on the air quality of the densely populated areas of China, Korea and Japan …
[КНИГА][B] Desert dust in the global system
AS Goudie, NJ Middleton - 2006 - books.google.com
Dust storms, produced by the removal of surface materials from the world's drylands, are a
vital component of the environment. This is because of their role in biogeochemical cycling …
vital component of the environment. This is because of their role in biogeochemical cycling …
[HTML][HTML] On the Middle East's severe dust storms in spring 2022: Triggers and impacts
Large amounts of dust in the air can disrupt daily activities and pose a threat to human
health. In May 2022, consecutive major dust storms occurred over the Middle East resulting …
health. In May 2022, consecutive major dust storms occurred over the Middle East resulting …
An overview of ACE‐Asia: Strategies for quantifying the relationships between Asian aerosols and their climatic impacts
The International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Program (IGAC) has conducted a series of
Aerosol Characterization Experiments (ACE) that integrate in situ measurements, satellite …
Aerosol Characterization Experiments (ACE) that integrate in situ measurements, satellite …
Active microorganisms thrive among extremely diverse communities in cloud water
Clouds are key components in Earth's functioning. In addition of acting as obstacles to light
radiations and chemical reactors, they are possible atmospheric oases for airborne …
radiations and chemical reactors, they are possible atmospheric oases for airborne …
Emission, transport, and radiative effects of mineral dust from the Taklimakan and Gobi deserts: comparison of measurements and model results
The Weather Research and Forecasting Model with chemistry (WRF-Chem model) was
used to investigate a typical dust storm event that occurred from 18 to 23 March 2010 and …
used to investigate a typical dust storm event that occurred from 18 to 23 March 2010 and …
Characterization of Asian dust during ACE-Asia
ACE-Asia was a multi-national collaboration organized to investigate and understand the
chemistry, radiative properties, and climatic effects of mineral dust and other aerosol …
chemistry, radiative properties, and climatic effects of mineral dust and other aerosol …
Modeling mineral dust emissions from Chinese and Mongolian deserts
B Laurent, B Marticorena, G Bergametti… - Global and planetary …, 2006 - Elsevier
The present study investigates the frequency and intensity of mineral dust emissions over
the deserts of eastern Asia from 1996 to 2001. Mineral dust emissions are simulated using a …
the deserts of eastern Asia from 1996 to 2001. Mineral dust emissions are simulated using a …
A simulated climatology of Asian dust aerosol and its trans-Pacific transport. Part I: Mean climate and validation
Abstract The Northern Aerosol Regional Climate Model (NARCM) was used to construct a
44-yr climatology of spring Asian dust aerosol emission, column loading, deposition, trans …
44-yr climatology of spring Asian dust aerosol emission, column loading, deposition, trans …