A review on current advances in the energy and environmental performance of buildings towards a more sustainable built environment
Nowadays, debates addressing climate change, fossil fuels depletion and energy security
highlight the need for a more sustainable built environment in order to reduce energy …
highlight the need for a more sustainable built environment in order to reduce energy …
Review of the impact of urban block form on thermal performance, solar access and ventilation
Cities use a big amount of energy resources and account for over 70% of global carbon
emissions. Form and position of urban blocks not only influence the micro-climate but also …
emissions. Form and position of urban blocks not only influence the micro-climate but also …
A comprehensive study of how urban morphological parameters impact the solar potential, energy consumption and daylight autonomy in canyons and buildings
Over the past two decades, global greenhouse gas emissions have surged, leading to rising
sea levels and climate change. Solar energy has emerged as an excellent solution to this …
sea levels and climate change. Solar energy has emerged as an excellent solution to this …
Solar energy potential using GIS-based urban residential environmental data: A case study of Shenzhen, China
This study examines Shenzhen's potential for utilizing photovoltaics (PV) on buildings in
terms of residential electricity consumption. Based on its geographic information system …
terms of residential electricity consumption. Based on its geographic information system …
Impact of urban block typology on building solar potential and energy use efficiency in tropical high-density city
This paper presents the results of an investigation on the relationship between urban block
typology, solar energy harvesting potential and building energy use efficiency in the context …
typology, solar energy harvesting potential and building energy use efficiency in the context …
A novel geometric parameter to evaluate the effects of block form on solar radiation towards sustainable urban design
J Li, Y Wang, Y ** with global climate change
and low-carbon development. Solar radiation in the urban environment is affected by urban …
and low-carbon development. Solar radiation in the urban environment is affected by urban …
A parametric sensitivity analysis of the influence of urban form on domestic energy consumption for heating and cooling in a Mediterranean city
A Vartholomaios - Sustainable cities and society, 2017 - Elsevier
The study presents the results of a parametric analysis of the impact of urban form on
domestic energy consumption for heating and cooling. Three urban typologies, the pavilion …
domestic energy consumption for heating and cooling. Three urban typologies, the pavilion …
Technological advancements towards the net-zero energy communities: A review on 23 case studies around the globe
Abstract “Net-zero energy”, a burning concept of the current world, has been being
considered and applied on a building scale for the last few decades, however, there are …
considered and applied on a building scale for the last few decades, however, there are …
Review on performance aspects of nearly zero-energy districts
The nearly zero-energy concept aims to achieve a significant reduction of energy
consumption in the buildings' sector, while promoting the renewable energy dissemination …
consumption in the buildings' sector, while promoting the renewable energy dissemination …
Naturally ventilated folded double-skin façade (DSF) for PV integration-geometry evaluation via thermal performance investigation
Studying the thermal performance of Double Skin Facades (DSFs) with vertical layers has
dominated the literature, however, there is still a lack of in-depth research on the …
dominated the literature, however, there is still a lack of in-depth research on the …