The P-DNS method for turbulent fluid flows: an overview
An overview of the Pseudo-Direct Numerical Simulation (P-DNS) method is presented. This
is a multi-scale method aiming at numerically solving the unknown fields at two different …
is a multi-scale method aiming at numerically solving the unknown fields at two different …
Numerical simulation of undrained insertion problems in geotechnical engineering with the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM)
The paper presents total-stress numerical analyses of large-displacement soil-structure
interaction problems in geomechanics using the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) …
interaction problems in geomechanics using the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) …
Coupled effective stress analysis of insertion problems in geotechnics with the particle finite element method
This paper describes a computational framework for the numerical analysis of quasi-static
soil-structure insertion problems in water saturated media. The Particle Finite Element …
soil-structure insertion problems in water saturated media. The Particle Finite Element …
[HTML][HTML] Challenges and issues in continuum modelling of tribology, wear, cutting and other processes involving high-strain rate plastic deformation of metals
Contribution of finite element method (FEM) as a modelling and simulation technique to
represent complex tribological processes has improved our understanding about various …
represent complex tribological processes has improved our understanding about various …
Particle finite element analysis of large deformation and granular flow problems
A version of the Particle Finite Element Method applicable to geomechanics applications is
presented. A simple rigid-plastic material model is adopted and the governing equations are …
presented. A simple rigid-plastic material model is adopted and the governing equations are …
Nonlinear sloshing response of liquid-filled rectangular concrete tanks under seismic excitation
M Moslemi, A Farzin, MR Kianoush - Engineering Structures, 2019 - Elsevier
The current study is mainly focused on nonlinear sloshing analysis of rectangular liquid
storage tanks. The main response quantity of interest is free surface sloshing height. There …
storage tanks. The main response quantity of interest is free surface sloshing height. There …
A finite deformation multiplicative plasticity model with non–local hardening for bonded geomaterials
The paper presents a finite deformation, isotropic hardening, non–associative elastic–plastic
constitutive model (FD _ Milan model) for describing the mechanical behavior of a wide …
constitutive model (FD _ Milan model) for describing the mechanical behavior of a wide …
Depth averaged models for fast landslide propagation: mathematical, rheological and numerical aspects
This paper presents an overview of depth averaged modelling of fast catastrophic landslides
where coupling of solid skeleton and pore fluid (air and water) is important. The first goal is …
where coupling of solid skeleton and pore fluid (air and water) is important. The first goal is …
Stabilized smoothed particle finite element method for coupled large deformation problems in geotechnics
Smoothed particle finite element method has been gaining recognition as an appropriate
approach for large deformation problems in geotechnics. This paper presents formulations …
approach for large deformation problems in geotechnics. This paper presents formulations …
[HTML][HTML] Numerical study on undrained cone penetration in structured soil using G-PFEM
L Hauser, HF Schweiger - Computers and Geotechnics, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper presents a model for the numerical simulation of cone penetration in structured
soil under undrained conditions based on the Particle Finite Element Method. An extended …
soil under undrained conditions based on the Particle Finite Element Method. An extended …