Genetic consequences of habitat fragmentation in plant populations: susceptible signals in plant traits and methodological approaches

R Aguilar, M Quesada, L Ashworth… - Molecular …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Conservation of genetic diversity, one of the three main forms of biodiversity, is a
fundamental concern in conservation biology as it provides the raw material for evolutionary …

Is gene flow the most important evolutionary force in plants?

NC Ellstrand - American journal of botany, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Although theory has demonstrated rather low levels of gene flow are sufficient to counteract
opposing mutation, drift, and selection, widespread recognition of the evolutionary …

What is long‐distance dispersal? And a taxonomy of dispersal events

P Jordano - Journal of Ecology, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Dispersal is a key individual‐based process influencing many life‐history attributes and
scaling up to population‐level properties (eg metapopulation connectivity). A persistent …

Plant parentage, pollination, and dispersal: how DNA microsatellites have altered the landscape

MV Ashley - Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
DNA microsatellites provide plant ecologists with molecular markers precise enough to
assign parentage to seeds and seedlings. This allows the exact distance and trajectory of …

The ecology of seed dispersal.

A Traveset, R Heleno… - Seeds: the ecology of …, 2014 -
This chapter summarizes research on seed dispersal vectors (water, wind and animals), and
the factors (including seed size and chemical composition, and plant habit) that determine …

Wind-borne insects mediate directional pollen transfer between desert fig trees 160 kilometers apart

S Ahmed, SG Compton, RK Butlin… - Proceedings of the …, 2009 -
The question of how far pollen can move between plants has implications for topics as
diverse as habitat fragmentation, conservation management, and the containment of …

Relative accuracy of three common methods of parentage analysis in natural populations

HB Harrison, P Saenz‐Agudelo, S Planes… - Molecular …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Parentage studies and family reconstructions have become increasingly popular for
investigating a range of evolutionary, ecological and behavioural processes in natural …

[PDF][PDF] Mutualisms with the wreckage of an avifauna: the status of bird pollination and fruit-dispersal in New Zealand

D Kelly, JJ Ladley, AW Robertson… - … Zealand Journal of …, 2010 -
Worldwide declines in bird numbers have recently renewed interest in how well bird–plant
mutualisms are functioning. In New Zealand, it has been argued that bird pollination was …

Inequalities in fruit‐removal and seed dispersal: consequences of bird behaviour, neighbourhood density and landscape aggregation

TA Carlo, JM Morales - Journal of Ecology, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Summary 1 Frugivores disperse the seeds of the majority of woody plant species world‐
wide. Thus, insights on how frugivores influence the dispersal of plants and the variability of …

Intrinsic and extrinsic drivers of intraspecific variation in seed dispersal are diverse and pervasive

EW Schupp, R Zwolak, LR Jones, RS Snell… - AoB Plants, 2019 -
There is growing realization that intraspecific variation in seed dispersal can have important
ecological and evolutionary consequences. However, we do not have a good understanding …