Adversarial examples: A survey of attacks and defenses in deep learning-enabled cybersecurity systems
Over the last few years, the adoption of machine learning in a wide range of domains has
been remarkable. Deep learning, in particular, has been extensively used to drive …
been remarkable. Deep learning, in particular, has been extensively used to drive …
A survey on deep learning for cybersecurity: Progress, challenges, and opportunities
As the number of Internet-connected systems rises, cyber analysts find it increasingly difficult
to effectively monitor the produced volume of data, its velocity and diversity. Signature-based …
to effectively monitor the produced volume of data, its velocity and diversity. Signature-based …
Capsule-forensics: Using capsule networks to detect forged images and videos
Recent advances in media generation techniques have made it easier for attackers to create
forged images and videos. State-of-the-art methods enable the real-time creation of a forged …
forged images and videos. State-of-the-art methods enable the real-time creation of a forged …
Iris recognition with off-the-shelf CNN features: A deep learning perspective
Iris recognition refers to the automated process of recognizing individuals based on their iris
patterns. The seemingly stochastic nature of the iris stroma makes it a distinctive cue for …
patterns. The seemingly stochastic nature of the iris stroma makes it a distinctive cue for …
Secure face unlock: Spoof detection on smartphones
With the wide deployment of the face recognition systems in applications from deduplication
to mobile device unlocking, security against the face spoofing attacks requires increased …
to mobile device unlocking, security against the face spoofing attacks requires increased …
Convolutional neural network for finger-vein-based biometric identification
The use of human finger-vein traits for the purpose of automatic user recognition has gained
a lot of attention in recent years. Current state-of-the-art techniques can provide relatively …
a lot of attention in recent years. Current state-of-the-art techniques can provide relatively …
Use of a capsule network to detect fake images and videos
The revolution in computer hardware, especially in graphics processing units and tensor
processing units, has enabled significant advances in computer graphics and artificial …
processing units, has enabled significant advances in computer graphics and artificial …
Security and accuracy of fingerprint-based biometrics: A review
Biometric systems are increasingly replacing traditional password-and token-based
authentication systems. Security and recognition accuracy are the two most important …
authentication systems. Security and recognition accuracy are the two most important …
Fingerprint liveness detection using convolutional neural networks
With the growing use of biometric authentication systems in the recent years, spoof
fingerprint detection has become increasingly important. In this paper, we use convolutional …
fingerprint detection has become increasingly important. In this paper, we use convolutional …
An original face anti-spoofing approach using partial convolutional neural network
Recently deep Convolutional Neural Networks have been successfully applied in many
computer vision tasks and achieved promising results. So some works have introduced the …
computer vision tasks and achieved promising results. So some works have introduced the …