Professional development across the teaching career: Teachers' uptake of formal and informal learning opportunities

D Richter, M Kunter, U Klusmann, O Lüdtke… - … , training, and learning, 2014 - Springer
Over the last decade, the debate on school quality (US Congress, 2001) has focused
increased attention on teachers' professional development. According to the National …

[КНИГА][B] Cognitive activation in the mathematics classroom and professional competence of teachers: Results from the COACTIV project

M Kunter, J Baumert, W Blum, U Klusmann, S Krauss… - 2013 -
This work reports the findings of the Professional Competence of Teachers, Cognitively
Activating Instruction, and Development of Students ́ Mathematical Literacy project …

Who is the expert? Construct and criteria validity of student and teacher ratings of instruction

M Kunter, J Baumert - Learning Environments Research, 2006 - Springer
In this article, we examine the construct and criteria validity of student and teacher ratings as
indicators of instructional features. As parsimonious measures, student and teacher reports …

LEMA–Professional development of teachers in relation to mathematical modelling

K Maaß, J Gurlitt - Trends in teaching and learning of mathematical …, 2011 - Springer
LEMA was an international project which aimed at designing a professional development
course for modelling. Materials for professional development which were to be used in …

Restrained teaching: The common core of Didaktik

S Hopmann - European educational research journal, 2007 -
Didaktik is at the centre of most school teaching and teacher education in Continental
Europe, but at the same time almost unknown in the English speaking world. The article …

[КНИГА][B] Teacher education matters: A study of middle school mathematics teacher preparation in six countries

WH Schmidt, S Blömeke, MT Tatto, FJ Hsieh, L Cogan… - 2011 -
Adults often mention a particular teacher who inspired them as a student to persevere and
thus fulfill their personal potential and dreams, providing support for the popular idea that …

Die Untersuchung des professionellen Wissens deutscher Mathematik-lehrerinnen und-lehrer im Rahmen der COACTIV-Studie

S Krauss, M Neubrand, W Blum, J Baumert… - Journal für Mathematik …, 2008 - Springer
In der COACTIV-Studie wurden die Mathematiklehrkräfte der PISA-Klassen 2003/04 befragt
und getestet. Zentraler Bestandteil von COACTIV sind die Tests zum fachdidaktischen …

[КНИГА][B] Adaptive Lehrkompetenz und schulisches Lernen: Effekte handlungssteuernder Kognitionen von Lehrpersonen auf Unterrichtsprozesse und Lernergebnisse …

C Brühwiler - 2014 -
Angesichts der heterogenen Zusammensetzung von Schulklassen ist es von besonderer
Bedeutung, dass Lehrpersonen ihr unterrichtliches Handeln bestmöglich auf die …

Adaptive teaching competency. Effects on quality of instruction and learning outcomes

C Brühwiler, F Vogt - Journal for educational research online, 2020 -
In view of student heterogeneity, teachers need to adjust their teaching to the diverse
learning needs of the students and thus require adaptive teaching competency. While …