Convection‐permitting modeling with regional climate models: Latest developments and next steps
Approximately 10 years ago, convection‐permitting regional climate models (CPRCMs)
emerged as a promising computationally affordable tool to produce fine resolution (1–4 km) …
emerged as a promising computationally affordable tool to produce fine resolution (1–4 km) …
[HTML][HTML] Modeling glacio-hydrological processes in the Himalayas: a review and future perspectives
The Himalayas and their surrounding areas boast vast glaciers rivaling those in polar
regions, supplying vital meltwater to the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra rivers, supporting …
regions, supplying vital meltwater to the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra rivers, supporting …
Bias correction of global high-resolution precipitation climatologies using streamflow observations from 9372 catchments
We introduce a set of global high-resolution (0.05°) precipitation (P) climatologies corrected
for bias using streamflow (Q) observations from 9372 stations worldwide. For each station …
for bias using streamflow (Q) observations from 9372 stations worldwide. For each station …
Assessment of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for simulation of extreme rainfall events in the upper Ganga Basin
Reliable estimates of extreme rainfall events are necessary for an accurate prediction of
floods. Most of the global rainfall products are available at a coarse resolution, rendering …
floods. Most of the global rainfall products are available at a coarse resolution, rendering …
[HTML][HTML] High-resolution fully coupled atmospheric–hydrological modeling: a cross-compartment regional water and energy cycle evaluation
The land surface and the atmospheric boundary layer are closely intertwined with respect to
the exchange of water, trace gases, and energy. Nonlinear feedback and scale-dependent …
the exchange of water, trace gases, and energy. Nonlinear feedback and scale-dependent …
Flood modeling of a large transboundary river using WRF-Hydro and microwave remote sensing
Abstract The Brahmaputra River, a trans-boundary river between India and Bangladesh
experiences large scale floods with frequent inundation events affecting millions of people …
experiences large scale floods with frequent inundation events affecting millions of people …
[HTML][HTML] Precipitation pattern in the Western Himalayas revealed by four datasets
Data scarcity is the biggest problem for scientific research related to hydrology and climate
studies in the Great Himalayas region. High-quality precipitation data are difficult to obtain …
studies in the Great Himalayas region. High-quality precipitation data are difficult to obtain …
Convection-permitting fully coupled WRF-Hydro ensemble simulations in high mountain environment: impact of boundary layer-and lateral flow parameterizations on …
Numerical climate models have been upgraded by the improved description of terrestrial
hydrological processes across different scales. The goal of this study is to explore the role of …
hydrological processes across different scales. The goal of this study is to explore the role of …
Impact of lateral terrestrial water flow on land‐atmosphere interactions in the Heihe River Basin in China: Fully coupled modeling and precipitation recycling analysis
Lateral terrestrial water flow is usually not considered in regional climate modeling. This
study focuses on the impact of increased hydrological model complexity for the description …
study focuses on the impact of increased hydrological model complexity for the description …
[HTML][HTML] Influence of bias correction of meteorological and streamflow forecast on hydrological prediction in India
The efforts to develop a hydrologic model-based operational streamflow forecast in India are
limited. We evaluate the role of bias correction of meteorological forecasts and streamflow …
limited. We evaluate the role of bias correction of meteorological forecasts and streamflow …