Colloquium: Cavity-enhanced quantum network nodes
A Reiserer - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2022 - APS
A future quantum network will consist of quantum processors that are connected by quantum
channels, just like conventional computers are wired up to form the Internet. In contrast to …
channels, just like conventional computers are wired up to form the Internet. In contrast to …
Photonic quantum technologies
The first quantum technology that harnesses quantum mechanical effects for its core
operation has arrived in the form of commercially available quantum key distribution …
operation has arrived in the form of commercially available quantum key distribution …
[HTML][HTML] Quantum networks based on color centers in diamond
With the ability to transfer and process quantum information, large-scale quantum networks
will enable a suite of fundamentally new applications, from quantum communications to …
will enable a suite of fundamentally new applications, from quantum communications to …
Atomic source of single photons in the telecom band
Single atoms and atomlike defects in solids are ideal quantum light sources and memories
for quantum networks. However, most atomic transitions are in the ultraviolet-visible portion …
for quantum networks. However, most atomic transitions are in the ultraviolet-visible portion …
Cavity-coupled telecom atomic source in silicon
Novel T centers in silicon hold great promise for quantum networking applications due to
their telecom band optical transitions and the long-lived ground state electronic spins. An …
their telecom band optical transitions and the long-lived ground state electronic spins. An …
Control and single-shot readout of an ion embedded in a nanophotonic cavity
Distributing entanglement over long distances using optical networks is an intriguing
macroscopic quantum phenomenon with applications in quantum systems for advanced …
macroscopic quantum phenomenon with applications in quantum systems for advanced …
Manipulating Coherent Plasmon–Exciton Interaction in a Single Silver Nanorod on Monolayer WSe2
Strong coupling between plasmons and excitons in nanocavities can result in the formation
of hybrid plexcitonic states. Understanding the dispersion relation of plexcitons is important …
of hybrid plexcitonic states. Understanding the dispersion relation of plexcitons is important …
Cavity quantum electrodynamics with color centers in diamond
Coherent interfaces between optical photons and long-lived matter qubits form a key
resource for a broad range of quantum technologies. Cavity quantum electrodynamics …
resource for a broad range of quantum technologies. Cavity quantum electrodynamics …
Engineered quantum dot single-photon sources
Fast, high efficiency and low error single-photon sources are required for the implementation
of a number of quantum information processing applications. The fastest triggered single …
of a number of quantum information processing applications. The fastest triggered single …
GaAs integrated quantum photonics: towards compact and multi‐functional quantum photonic integrated circuits
The recent progress in integrated quantum optics has set the stage for the development of
an integrated platform for quantum information processing with photons, with potential …
an integrated platform for quantum information processing with photons, with potential …