Energy recovery strategies in water distribution networks: Literature review and future directions in the net-zero transition
Water distribution networks (WDNs) are significant users of energy and contributors to
greenhouse gas emissions. Energy recovery strategies (ERSs) have potential for switching …
greenhouse gas emissions. Energy recovery strategies (ERSs) have potential for switching …
[HTML][HTML] Improve leakage management to reach sustainable water supply networks through by green energy systems. Optimized case study
CAM Ávila, FJ Sánchez-Romero… - Sustainable Cities and …, 2022 - Elsevier
The cities and townships should increase their sustainability to achieve the different targets,
which are included in the sustainable development goals. The water distribution networks …
which are included in the sustainable development goals. The water distribution networks …
Centrifugal pump design: An optimization
TMN Vo - The Eurasia Proceedings of Science Technology …, 2022 - epstem.net
A centrifugal pump is an efficient piece of machinery that is often used in the activities of our
everyday lives as well as the production of industrial goods. Due to the ever-increasing …
everyday lives as well as the production of industrial goods. Due to the ever-increasing …
[HTML][HTML] Reducing water conveyance footprint through an advanced optimization framework
This study investigates the optimal and safe operation of pum** stations in water
distribution systems (WDSs) with the aim of reducing the environmental footprint of water …
distribution systems (WDSs) with the aim of reducing the environmental footprint of water …
[HTML][HTML] Optimal energy harvesting plans in water distribution networks considering the stakeholders' utilities
This paper delves into identifying the optimal scenario for the implementation of micro-
turbines, specifically Pump-as-Turbines (PaTs), in a water distribution network (WDN) by …
turbines, specifically Pump-as-Turbines (PaTs), in a water distribution network (WDN) by …
A novel framework for technical performance evaluation of water distribution networks based on the water-energy nexus concept
Today energy recovery using Micro-Hydropowers (MHPs) in Water Distribution Networks
(WDN) is a well-known approach for recycling the wasted energy in infrastructures as a …
(WDN) is a well-known approach for recycling the wasted energy in infrastructures as a …
Optimal operational scheduling of pumps to improve the performance of water distribution networks
M Dini, M Hemmati, S Hashemi - Water Resources Management, 2022 - Springer
Widely used software packages might still be deficient when it comes to optimal pump
scheduling as they allow concurrent Variable Speed Pumps (VSPs) at low speeds and low …
scheduling as they allow concurrent Variable Speed Pumps (VSPs) at low speeds and low …
Optimal placement and settings of valves for leakage reduction in real life water distribution networks
Nowadays, the rapid growth of operational costs and human resource shortages increase
the importance of the leakage reduction, and the pressure management. This paper …
the importance of the leakage reduction, and the pressure management. This paper …
[HTML][HTML] Evaluating energy harvesting from water distribution networks using combined stakeholder and social network analysis
The chance of success in implementing a new project in a water distribution network (WDN)
significantly depends on the behaviour of the involved stakeholders. In this paper, the …
significantly depends on the behaviour of the involved stakeholders. In this paper, the …
Performance assessment of new reliability index of energy in water distribution networks equipped with PATs based on component simultaneous failure scenarios
For a water distribution network (WDN) equipped with pump as turbines (PATs), when a pipe
failure scenario occurs, the network performance in renewable energy supply is very …
failure scenario occurs, the network performance in renewable energy supply is very …