Adakite petrogenesis
PR Castillo - Lithos, 2012 - Elsevier
Adakite was originally proposed as a genetic term to define intermediate to high-silica, high
Sr/Y and La/Yb volcanic and plutonic rocks derived from melting of the basaltic portion of …
Sr/Y and La/Yb volcanic and plutonic rocks derived from melting of the basaltic portion of …
Porphyry deposits and oxidized magmas
Porphyry deposits supply most of the world's Cu and Mo resources. Over 90% of the
porphyry deposits are found at convergent margins, especially above active subduction …
porphyry deposits are found at convergent margins, especially above active subduction …
Timing and mechanism of ore precipitation in porphyry Cu systems: insight from LA-ICP-MS analysis of fluid inclusions and in situ oxygen isotope analysis of …
X Sun, R Li, X Si, K **ao, J Deng - Economic Geology, 2024 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
The timing and mechanism of ore precipitation in porphyry copper systems are hot topics
and remain controversial. The large Miocene collision-related Zhunuo porphyry Cu deposit …
and remain controversial. The large Miocene collision-related Zhunuo porphyry Cu deposit …
Highly fractionated Himalayan leucogranites and associated rare-metal mineralization
The formation of the Himalaya was associated with the exhumation of high-grade
metamorphosed rocks of the Higher Himalayan sequence (HHS) complex, which underwent …
metamorphosed rocks of the Higher Himalayan sequence (HHS) complex, which underwent …
Adakites without slab melting: high pressure differentiation of island arc magma, Mindanao, the Philippines
New geochemical data for Pleistocene magmatic rocks from the Surigao peninsula, eastern
Mindanao, the Philippines, demonstrate typical adakitic traits, including elevation of Sr/Y and …
Mindanao, the Philippines, demonstrate typical adakitic traits, including elevation of Sr/Y and …
Lithospheric architecture of the Lhasa terrane and its control on ore deposits in the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen
Magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits in collisional orogens are new targets for modern
mineral exploration, yet it is unclear why they preferentially occur in some specific tectonic …
mineral exploration, yet it is unclear why they preferentially occur in some specific tectonic …
Zircon U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotopic constraints on petrogenesis of the Gangdese batholith, southern Tibet
During the Mesozoic–Cenozoic, northward Neotethyan subduction and subsequent India–
Asia collision gave rise to the extensive Transhimalayan magmatism that stretches from …
Asia collision gave rise to the extensive Transhimalayan magmatism that stretches from …
Special paper: adakite-like rocks: their diverse origins and questionable role in metallogenesis
JP Richards, R Kerrich - Economic geology, 2007 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Based on a compilation of published sources, rocks referred to as adakites show the
following geochemical and isotopic characteristics: SiO2≥ 56 wt percent, Al2O3≥ 15 wt …
following geochemical and isotopic characteristics: SiO2≥ 56 wt percent, Al2O3≥ 15 wt …
Mercury isotope evidence for the importance of recycled fluids in collisional ore systems
The sources of fluids and metals in porphyry systems of continental-collision settings are
poorly constrained. Mercury isotopes display unique mass-independent fractionation …
poorly constrained. Mercury isotopes display unique mass-independent fractionation …
Postsubduction porphyry Cu-Au and epithermal Au deposits: Products of remelting of subduction-modified lithosphere
JP Richards - Geology, 2009 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Abstract Porphyry Cu±Mo±Au and some epithermal Au deposits are formed from
hydrothermal fluids exsolved from cooling, water-rich, calc-alkaline magmas emplaced in …
hydrothermal fluids exsolved from cooling, water-rich, calc-alkaline magmas emplaced in …