Interdisciplinary blockchain education: Utilizing blockchain technology from various perspectives
The early development of blockchain technology (BCT) has already demonstrated the
technology's potential to serve the needs of different industries. BCT has also become …
technology's potential to serve the needs of different industries. BCT has also become …
Blockchain technology: Integration in supply chain processes
Purpose: Supply chain networks face an increasing demand to integrate globally
distributedcustomers and suppliers. As supply chain processes are deemed to lack …
distributedcustomers and suppliers. As supply chain processes are deemed to lack …
Blockchain technology in supply chain management–a discussion of current and future research topics
Purpose: Today's supply chain management faces complex and globally distributed
networks of customers and suppliers. Blockchain solutions serve as underlying IT …
networks of customers and suppliers. Blockchain solutions serve as underlying IT …
Emerging Technologies and Blockchain in Action: Applications in Supply Chain Management and Energy
Editorial on the Research TopicBlockchain technology established itself as a research
subject in various scientific disciplines and as an enabling technology in various indiustries …
subject in various scientific disciplines and as an enabling technology in various indiustries …
Blocknet report: Exploring the blockchain skills concept and best practice use cases
In order to explore the practical potential and needs of interdisciplinary knowledge and
competence requirements of Blockchain technology, the project activity" Development of …
competence requirements of Blockchain technology, the project activity" Development of …
[КНИГА][B] Blockchain-technologie im supply chain management unter berücksichtigung wirtschaftlicher potenziale
T Gürpinar - 2023 - publica-rest.fraunhofer.de
Zusammenfassung Auf der Blockchain-Technologie basierende IT-Lösungen werden in
verschiedenen Branchen konzeptioniert und erprobt, um auf Basis nachvollziehbarer …
verschiedenen Branchen konzeptioniert und erprobt, um auf Basis nachvollziehbarer …
Blockchain-Based Infrastructure for Product Traceability in the Medical Supply Chain
This chapter introduces a blockchain-based infrastructure to support the traceability of
medical products and implementation of unique device identification. Therefore, in the next …
medical products and implementation of unique device identification. Therefore, in the next …
Towards the Design of an Education Environment for the Logistics Transformation Using Miniaturized Production Systems (MINIS)
The vision of Industry 4.0 and ongoing challenges in logistics raise the need to develop an
educational environment that supports to better understand cause-effect relationships in the …
educational environment that supports to better understand cause-effect relationships in the …
Towards a Typology of Blockchain-based Applications: a Conceptualization from a Business Perspective
Blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies are evolving into enabling
infrastructures for innovative ICT-solutions. Numerous features, such as decentralization …
infrastructures for innovative ICT-solutions. Numerous features, such as decentralization …
Reliability detection method of online education resource sharing based on blockchain
F Wang - IoT and Big Data Technologies for Health Care, 2021 - Springer
In order to reduce the error of online education resource sharing reliability detection, a block
chain based online education resource sharing reliability detection method is designed. This …
chain based online education resource sharing reliability detection method is designed. This …