Large-scale spatial-transmission models of infectious disease

S Riley - Science, 2007 -
During transmission of seasonal endemic diseases such as measles and influenza, spatial
waves of infection have been observed between large distant populations. Also, during the …

Dynamics of infectious diseases

K Rock, S Brand, J Moir… - Reports on Progress in …, 2014 -
Modern infectious disease epidemiology has a strong history of using mathematics both for
prediction and to gain a deeper understanding. However the study of infectious diseases is …

[KNJIGA][B] Modeling infectious diseases in humans and animals

MJ Keeling, P Rohani - 2008 -
For epidemiologists, evolutionary biologists, and health-care professionals, real-time and
predictive modeling of infectious disease is of growing importance. This book provides a …

[HTML][HTML] Challenges for modelling interventions for future pandemics

ME Kretzschmar, B Ashby, E Fearon, CE Overton… - Epidemics, 2022 - Elsevier
Mathematical modelling and statistical inference provide a framework to evaluate different
non-pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical interventions for the control of epidemics that has …

Modeling when, where, and how to manage a forest epidemic, motivated by sudden oak death in California

NJ Cunniffe, RC Cobb, RK Meentemeyer… - Proceedings of the …, 2016 -
Sudden oak death, caused by Phytophthora ramorum, has killed millions of oak and tanoak
in California since its first detection in 1995. Despite some localized small-scale …

[HTML][HTML] Five challenges for spatial epidemic models

S Riley, K Eames, V Isham, D Mollison, P Trapman - Epidemics, 2015 - Elsevier
Infectious disease incidence data are increasingly available at the level of the individual and
include high-resolution spatial components. Therefore, we are now better able to challenge …

Inference in epidemic models without likelihoods

T McKinley, AR Cook, R Deardon - The International Journal of …, 2009 -
Likelihood-based inference for epidemic models can be challenging, in part due to
difficulties in evaluating the likelihood. The problem is particularly acute in models of large …

Parasites as predators: unifying natural enemy ecology

TR Raffel, LB Martin, JR Rohr - Trends in ecology & evolution, 2008 -
Parasitism and predation have long been considered analogous interactions. Yet by and
large, ecologists continue to study parasite–host and predator–prey ecology separately …

[HTML][HTML] Public health preparedness and responses to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in South Asia: a situation and policy analysis

A Sarkar, G Liu, Y **, Z **e, ZJ Zheng - Global Health Journal, 2020 - Elsevier
Like rest of the world, the South Asian region is facing enormous challenges with the
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The socioeconomic context of the eight …

[HTML][HTML] Scenario design for infectious disease projections: Integrating concepts from decision analysis and experimental design

MC Runge, K Shea, E Howerton, K Yan, H Hochheiser… - Epidemics, 2024 - Elsevier
Across many fields, scenario modeling has become an important tool for exploring long-term
projections and how they might depend on potential interventions and critical uncertainties …