Sustaining attention to simple tasks: a meta-analytic review of the neural mechanisms of vigilant attention.

R Langner, SB Eickhoff - Psychological bulletin, 2013 -
Maintaining attention for more than a few seconds is essential for mastering everyday life.
Yet, our ability to stay focused on a particular task is limited, resulting in well-known …

Emotional modulation of interval timing and time perception

JI Lake, KS LaBar, WH Meck - Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2016 - Elsevier
Like other senses, our perception of time is not veridical, but rather, is modulated by
changes in environmental context. Anecdotal experiences suggest that emotions can be …

Feature extraction and selection for emotion recognition from electrodermal activity

J Shukla, M Barreda-Angeles, J Oliver… - IEEE Transactions …, 2019 -
Electrodermal activity (EDA) is indicative of psychological processes related to human
cognition and emotions. Previous research has studied many methods for extracting EDA …

The knowns and unknowns of boredom: A review of the literature

Q Raffaelli, C Mills, K Christoff - Experimental brain research, 2018 - Springer
Despite the ubiquitous nature of boredom, the definition, function, and correlates of boredom
are still poorly understood. In this review, we summarize the “known”(consistent evidence) …

Does state boredom cause failures of attention? Examining the relations between trait boredom, state boredom, and sustained attention

A Hunter, JD Eastwood - Experimental Brain Research, 2018 - Springer
Boredom is an important personal and social problem, but the phenomena itself remains
poorly understood. Recent work has shown that boredom is highly related to attention, and …

Developmental phenotypes and causal pathways in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: potential targets for early intervention?

EJS Sonuga‐Barke, JM Halperin - Journal of Child Psychology …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Early intervention approaches have rarely been implemented for the prevention of attention
deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In this paper we explore whether such an approach …

Does the mind wander when the brain takes a break? Local sleep in wakefulness, attentional lapses and mind-wandering

T Andrillon, J Windt, T Silk, SPA Drummond… - Frontiers in …, 2019 -
Sleep has been classically described as an all-or-nothing global phenomenon. However,
recent research strongly suggests that this view requires tempering. Invasive and non …

The psychophysiology primer: a guide to methods and a broad review with a focus on human–computer interaction

B Cowley, M Filetti, K Lukander… - … and Trends® in …, 2016 -
Digital monitoring of physiological signals can allow computer systems to adapt
unobtrusively to users, so as to enhance personalised 'smart'interactions. In recent years …

Characterizing the psychophysiological signature of boredom

C Merrifield, J Danckert - Experimental brain research, 2014 - Springer
Research on the experience and expression of boredom is underdeveloped. The purpose of
the present study was to explore the psychophysiological signature of the subjective …

Sustaining visual attention in the face of distraction: a novel gradual-onset continuous performance task

M Rosenberg, S Noonan, J DeGutis… - Attention, Perception, & …, 2013 - Springer
Sustained attention is a fundamental aspect of human cognition and has been widely
studied in applied and clinical contexts. Despite a growing understanding of how attention …