Copilot: A hard real-time runtime monitor
L Pike, A Goodloe, R Morisset, S Niller - International Conference on …, 2010 - Springer
We address the problem of runtime monitoring for hard real-time programs—a domain in
which correctness is critical yet has largely been overlooked in the runtime monitoring …
which correctness is critical yet has largely been overlooked in the runtime monitoring …
[PDF][PDF] Scheduling algorithms for real-time systems
A Mohammadi, SG Akl - School of Computing Queens University, Tech …, 2005 - Citeseer
The problem of real-time scheduling spans a broad spectrum of algorithms from simple
uniprocessor to highly sophisticated multiprocessor scheduling algorithms. In this paper, we …
uniprocessor to highly sophisticated multiprocessor scheduling algorithms. In this paper, we …
Extending rate monotonic analysis with exact cost of preemptions for hard real-time systems
PM Yomsi, Y Sorel - 19th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper we study hard real-time systems composed of independent periodic preemptive
tasks where we assume that tasks are scheduled by using Liu & Layland's pioneering model …
tasks where we assume that tasks are scheduled by using Liu & Layland's pioneering model …
[PDF][PDF] Scheduling in multiprocessor system using genetic algorithm
H Heidari, A Chalechale - International Journal of Advanced Science and …, 2012 - Citeseer
Task scheduling is essential for the suitable operation of multiprocessor systems. The task
scheduling is prime significance of multiprocessor parallel systems. In this paper, an efficient …
scheduling is prime significance of multiprocessor parallel systems. In this paper, an efficient …
[PDF][PDF] A modified maximum urgency first scheduling algorithm for real-time tasks
This paper presents a modified version of the maximum urgency first scheduling algorithm.
The maximum urgency algorithm combines the advantages of fixed and dynamic scheduling …
The maximum urgency algorithm combines the advantages of fixed and dynamic scheduling …
Adequacy between AUTOSAR OS specification and real-time scheduling theory
AUTOSAR (AUTOmotive Open System ARchitecture) consortium is a development
partnership between the main actors of the automotive manufacturing industry. It aims at …
partnership between the main actors of the automotive manufacturing industry. It aims at …
Scheduling non-preemptive periodic tasks in soft real-time systems using fuzzy inference
M Sabeghi, M Naghibzadeh… - Ninth IEEE International …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Many scheduling algorithms have been studied to guarantee the time constraints of real-
time processes. Scheduling decision of these algorithms is usually based on parameters …
time processes. Scheduling decision of these algorithms is usually based on parameters …
Combining EDF and LST to enhance the performance of real-time task scheduling
AA Ayele, VS Rao, KG Dileep… - … Conference on ICT in …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Real time system is a system in which the computation not only depends on producing a
correct output, but the output should be delivered within predetermine timing constraint …
correct output, but the output should be delivered within predetermine timing constraint …
A fuzzy-based multi-criteria scheduler for uniform multiprocessor real-time systems
It has been proved that there is no optimal online scheduler for uniform parallel machines.
Despite its non-optimality, EDF is an appropriate algorithm to use in such environments …
Despite its non-optimality, EDF is an appropriate algorithm to use in such environments …
Gamifying an online approach for promoting game development Learning and contest: An experience report
MR Regalado, E Aranha… - 2016 IEEE Frontiers in …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A big challenge of virtual learning environments is to guarantee engagement and keep
students motivated to use it. In this context, gamification techniques are being explored to …
students motivated to use it. In this context, gamification techniques are being explored to …