[HTML][HTML] Magnesium based implants for functional bone tissue regeneration–A review
Magnesium (Mg) has emerged as one of the third-generation biomaterials for regeneration
and support of functional bone tissue. Mg is a better choice over permanent implants such …
and support of functional bone tissue. Mg is a better choice over permanent implants such …
A review on titanium and titanium alloys with other metals for biomedical applications prepared by powder metallurgy techniques
Titanium-based materials are of growing interest as biocompatible structural materials with
improved mechanical properties and biocompatibility in various biomedical applications …
improved mechanical properties and biocompatibility in various biomedical applications …
[HTML][HTML] Development of Mg based biomaterial with improved mechanical and degradation properties using powder metallurgy
In the present work, biocompatible materials such as niobium (Nb), zinc (Zn) and calcium
(Ca) have been blended with magnesium (Mg) to develop a novel biomaterial (BM) with …
(Ca) have been blended with magnesium (Mg) to develop a novel biomaterial (BM) with …
Microstructure, mechanical properties and deformation mechanism of powder metallurgy AZ31 magnesium alloy during rolling
To improve the microstructure compactness and mechanical properties of powder
metallurgy (P/M) AZ31 magnesium alloy, hot rolling deformation was carried out in this work …
metallurgy (P/M) AZ31 magnesium alloy, hot rolling deformation was carried out in this work …
A review on the preparation of magnesium-based alloys prepared by powder metallurgy and the evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties
This paper reviews the manufacturing of magnesium-based alloys prepared by powder
metallurgy (PM) technique and analysis of the effects of PM parameter on the developed …
metallurgy (PM) technique and analysis of the effects of PM parameter on the developed …
[HTML][HTML] Significance of the Powder Metallurgy Approach and Its Processing Parameters on the Mechanical Behavior of Magnesium-Based Materials
Magnesium-based materials, which are known for their light weight and exceptional strength-
to-weight ratio, hold immense promise in the biomedical, automotive, aerospace, and …
to-weight ratio, hold immense promise in the biomedical, automotive, aerospace, and …
Fabrication and Characterisation of Mg-Zn Alloys Reinforced with Cnf: A Study on the Sintering Process
H Tuminoh, MSM Azman, MAK Edrus… - Jurnal Teknologi …, 2020 - journals.utm.my
Nowadays, magnesium (Mg) based alloys have gained much interest due to its potential use
as biodegradable implants for the application of fixation, screws and plates in orthopaedics …
as biodegradable implants for the application of fixation, screws and plates in orthopaedics …
Effect of Mg and Zn Composition Variations on Surface Characteristics and Flexural Strength of Biodegradable Mg-Zn-Ca Alloys by Powder Metallurgy Method
This study aims to determine the Mg-Zn-Ca alloy's surface characteristics and flexural
strength using powder metallurgy methods. The Mg-Zn-Ca alloy was prepared by powder …
strength using powder metallurgy methods. The Mg-Zn-Ca alloy was prepared by powder …
Recent progress on the corrosion characterization of magnesium (Mg) prepared by powder metallurgy technique
MAF Romzi, J Alias, MIM Ramli - IOP Conference Series …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
This paper reviews the progress on the corrosion characterization of magnesium (Mg) based
material prepared by the powder metallurgy (PM) technique. In recent years, Mg alloys and …
material prepared by the powder metallurgy (PM) technique. In recent years, Mg alloys and …
Analisis Variasi Temperatur Sintering dan Ukuran Agen Pengembang Dolomit terhadap Fabrikasi Paduan Logam Mg-Ca-Zn Berpori Tertutup dengan Proses …
Paduan logam berpori berbasis magnesium sangat potensial dalam aplikasi prostesis
biomedis. Kalsium, seng dan agen pengembang ditambahkan untuk melengkapi fungsi dan …
biomedis. Kalsium, seng dan agen pengembang ditambahkan untuk melengkapi fungsi dan …