[کتاب][B] Management information systems: Managing the digital firm

KC Laudon, JP Laudon - 2004‏ - books.google.com
Information systems knowledge is essential for creating competitive firms, managing global
corporations, and providing useful products and services to customers. This book introduces …

[کتاب][B] Organisation: Grundlagen moderner Organisationsgestaltung. Mit Fallstudien

G Schreyögg, D Geiger - 2024‏ - books.google.com
​ Didaktisch gekonnt aufbereitet stellen Georg Schreyögg und Daniel Geiger Konzepte und
Methoden zum Verständnis der Probleme der Organisationsgestaltung und zur Entwicklung …

[کتاب][B] Theories of communication networks

PR Monge, NS Contractor - 2003‏ - books.google.com
To date, most network research contains one or more of five major problems. First, it tends to
be atheoretical, ignoring the various social theories that contain network implications …

[PDF][PDF] Sistemas de información gerencial

KCYL Laudon, P Jane - 2012‏ - dspace.itsjapon.edu.ec
Escribimos este libro para los estudiantes de escuelas de negocios que requieren un
análisis detallado sobre la forma en que las empresas contemporáneas utilizan las …

Bridging the knowledge gap: The influence of strong ties, network cohesion, and network range on the transfer of knowledge between organizational units

M Tortoriello, R Reagans, B McEvily - Organization science, 2012‏ - pubsonline.informs.org
Prior research has emphasized the importance of boundary spanners in facilitating the
transfer of knowledge between organizational units. The successful transfer of knowledge …

Nurturing interpersonal trust in knowledge-sharing networks

LC Abrams, R Cross, E Lesser… - Academy of Management …, 2003‏ - journals.aom.org
Executive Overview In many organizations, informal networks are the primary means by
which employees find information, solve complex problems, and learn how to do their work …

The essence of strategic leadership: Managing human and social capital

MA Hitt, R Duane - Journal of Leadership & Organizational …, 2002‏ - journals.sagepub.com
A new type of strategic leadership is required to help firms successfully navigate the
dynamic and uncertain environment in which they compete today. The strategic leadership …

More than an answer: Information relationships for actionable knowledge

R Cross, L Sproull - Organization science, 2004‏ - pubsonline.informs.org
Research on information processing, managerial cognition, and social networks
demonstrates that people rely on other people for information. However, this work has not …

[کتاب][B] The future of knowledge

V Allee - 2009‏ - taylorfrancis.com
Verna Allee, whose groundbreaking book'The Knowledge Evolution'helped usher in the
exploding field of knowledge management, has brought her experience-tested insights into …

Formal versus informal knowledge networks in R&D: a case study using social network analysis

J Allen, AD James, P Gamlen - R&d Management, 2007‏ - Wiley Online Library
The existence of informal social networks within organizations has long been recognized as
important and the unique working relationships among scientific and technical personnel …