[کتاب][B] Management information systems: Managing the digital firm
KC Laudon, JP Laudon - 2004 - books.google.com
Information systems knowledge is essential for creating competitive firms, managing global
corporations, and providing useful products and services to customers. This book introduces …
corporations, and providing useful products and services to customers. This book introduces …
[کتاب][B] Organisation: Grundlagen moderner Organisationsgestaltung. Mit Fallstudien
G Schreyögg, D Geiger - 2024 - books.google.com
Didaktisch gekonnt aufbereitet stellen Georg Schreyögg und Daniel Geiger Konzepte und
Methoden zum Verständnis der Probleme der Organisationsgestaltung und zur Entwicklung …
Methoden zum Verständnis der Probleme der Organisationsgestaltung und zur Entwicklung …
[کتاب][B] Theories of communication networks
PR Monge, NS Contractor - 2003 - books.google.com
To date, most network research contains one or more of five major problems. First, it tends to
be atheoretical, ignoring the various social theories that contain network implications …
be atheoretical, ignoring the various social theories that contain network implications …
[PDF][PDF] Sistemas de información gerencial
KCYL Laudon, P Jane - 2012 - dspace.itsjapon.edu.ec
Escribimos este libro para los estudiantes de escuelas de negocios que requieren un
análisis detallado sobre la forma en que las empresas contemporáneas utilizan las …
análisis detallado sobre la forma en que las empresas contemporáneas utilizan las …
Bridging the knowledge gap: The influence of strong ties, network cohesion, and network range on the transfer of knowledge between organizational units
Prior research has emphasized the importance of boundary spanners in facilitating the
transfer of knowledge between organizational units. The successful transfer of knowledge …
transfer of knowledge between organizational units. The successful transfer of knowledge …
Nurturing interpersonal trust in knowledge-sharing networks
Executive Overview In many organizations, informal networks are the primary means by
which employees find information, solve complex problems, and learn how to do their work …
which employees find information, solve complex problems, and learn how to do their work …
The essence of strategic leadership: Managing human and social capital
A new type of strategic leadership is required to help firms successfully navigate the
dynamic and uncertain environment in which they compete today. The strategic leadership …
dynamic and uncertain environment in which they compete today. The strategic leadership …
More than an answer: Information relationships for actionable knowledge
Research on information processing, managerial cognition, and social networks
demonstrates that people rely on other people for information. However, this work has not …
demonstrates that people rely on other people for information. However, this work has not …
[کتاب][B] The future of knowledge
V Allee - 2009 - taylorfrancis.com
Verna Allee, whose groundbreaking book'The Knowledge Evolution'helped usher in the
exploding field of knowledge management, has brought her experience-tested insights into …
exploding field of knowledge management, has brought her experience-tested insights into …
Formal versus informal knowledge networks in R&D: a case study using social network analysis
The existence of informal social networks within organizations has long been recognized as
important and the unique working relationships among scientific and technical personnel …
important and the unique working relationships among scientific and technical personnel …