Microalgae: Sustainable resource of carbohydrates in third-generation biofuel production
Microalgae have gained interest over the century due to numerous intrinsic attributes
surpassing higher plants, making them a potential feedstock for third-generation biofuel …
surpassing higher plants, making them a potential feedstock for third-generation biofuel …
Photobioreactor configurations in cultivating microalgae biomass for biorefinery
Microalgae, highly prized for their protein, lipid, carbohydrate, phycocyanin, and carotenoid-
rich biomass, have garnered significant industrial attention in the context of third-generation …
rich biomass, have garnered significant industrial attention in the context of third-generation …
Trends and advances in sustainable bioethanol production by marine microalgae: a critical review
Owing to the current issues of rapid urbanization and motorization, worldwide petroleum oil
demand is increasing obstinately, which is another way of affecting the economy of a nation …
demand is increasing obstinately, which is another way of affecting the economy of a nation …
Microalgae conversion to alternative energy, operating environment and economic footprint: an influential approach towards energy conversion, and management
Microalgae (MA) biorefinery is a vital platform for the conversion of biomass into biofuels,
biomaterials, and bioactive substances and it can remediate the pollutant from the …
biomaterials, and bioactive substances and it can remediate the pollutant from the …
Latest development in microalgae-biofuel production with nano-additives
Background Microalgae have been experimented as a potential feedstock for biofuel
generation in current era owing to its' rich energy content, inflated growth rate, inexpensive …
generation in current era owing to its' rich energy content, inflated growth rate, inexpensive …
Microalgal feedstock for biofuel production: recent advances, challenges, and future perspective
Globally, nations are trying to address environmental issues such as global warming and
climate change, along with the burden of declining fossil fuel reserves. Furthermore …
climate change, along with the burden of declining fossil fuel reserves. Furthermore …
Waste materials for wastewater treatment and waste adsorbents for biofuel and cement supplement applications: a critical review
A pragmatic shift is ongoing in waste material management and wastewater treatment
technology due to the large amount of waste production worldwide and the necessity for …
technology due to the large amount of waste production worldwide and the necessity for …
Synthesis and characterization of rice husk biochar via hydrothermal carbonization for wastewater treatment and biofuel production
The recent implication of circular economy in Australia spurred the demand for waste
material utilization for value-added product generations on a commercial scale. Therefore …
material utilization for value-added product generations on a commercial scale. Therefore …
Valorization opportunities and adaptability assessment of algae based biofuels for futuristic sustainability-A review
VS Muthuraman, N Kasianantham - Process safety and environmental …, 2023 - Elsevier
The development of third-generation biofuels of algae-based biomass has significant
benefits than the first-and second-generation biofuels due to their accessibility and …
benefits than the first-and second-generation biofuels due to their accessibility and …
Techno-economic analysis of food waste valorization for integrated production of polyhydroxyalkanoates and biofuels
This study focused on the techno-economic analysis of integrated polyhydroxyalkanoates
(PHAs) and biofuels such as biohydrogen, bioethanol, and 2, 3-butanediol production from …
(PHAs) and biofuels such as biohydrogen, bioethanol, and 2, 3-butanediol production from …