[HTML][HTML] Intellectual capital and innovation performance: Systematic literature review

MA Ali, N Hussin, H Haddad, R Al-Araj, IA Abed - Risks, 2021 - mdpi.com
Over the years, several studies have been conducted to identify the impact of various
intellectual capital components on the organizational performances. However, most of these …

Intellectual capital and firm performance correlation: the mediation role of innovation capability in Malaysian manufacturing SMEs perspective

ZM Aljuboori, H Singh, H Haddad, NM Al-Ramahi… - Sustainability, 2021 - mdpi.com
Understanding of intellectual capital's influence on the firm performance has received
immense interest in recent years. In this view, the impact of various intellectual capital …

[HTML][HTML] Dynamic capabilities and their impact on intellectual capital and innovation performance

MA Ali, N Hussin, H Haddad, D Alkhodary, A Marei - Sustainability, 2021 - mdpi.com
There is a high tendency for conversion from a statistical economy based on measuring
tangible assets into investigating non-tangible capital drive in the present economic status …

[HTML][HTML] A multidimensional view of intellectual capital: The impact on innovation performance

MA Ali, N Hussin, H Haddad, R Al-Araj… - Journal of Open Innovation …, 2021 - Elsevier
The current economic trend worldwide is for an industrial economy based on tangible assets
to convert into a non-tangible economy based on intellectual capital. Lately, a …

The mediating effect of management control systems on human capital and sustainable performance among Ugandan power companies

B Akankunda, SK Nkundabanyanga… - Cogent Business & …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This study examines the relationship between human capital and Sustainable Performance
(SP) with the mediating role of management control systems in power companies in …

Sustainable organizational performance in healthcare: A literature review

DR Nurmala, AI Sidin, R Amiruddin… - Journal of Law and …, 2024 - ojs.journalsdg.org
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to explain the variables that influence Sustainable
Organizational Performance (SOP) in health services. Theoretical framework: Performance …

Resource-Based View and Corporate Sustainability Performance.

NMA Novitarini, IP Sudana - Dinasti International Journal of …, 2024 - search.ebscohost.com
The low sustainability performance of companies in Indonesia is caused by a lack of
understanding of the importance and benefits of sustainability practices, companies often …

Workplace spirituality and sustainable performance

M Ashfaq, S Irum - … conference on decision aid sciences and …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The purpose of this systematic literature review was to explore a new phenomenon in
management literature, ie workplace spirituality and sustainability in employee performance …

[PDF][PDF] Penentu Fenomena Penyisihan Sosial: Dimensi Ekonomi

NMAN Ab Malik, S Shahimi, MHM Shafiai - Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 2024 - ukm.my
Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti faktor-faktor penentu kepada fenomena penyisihan
sosial, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan dimensi ekonomi. Kajian ini turut menguji …

An integrative proposed model of corporate governance: The corporate governance mechanisms mediates the relationship between board intellectual capital and …

ST Pardis, S Sofian, DF Abdullah - International Journal of …, 2016 - dergipark.org.tr
Corporate Governance (CG) foster dynamic economic growth, increase financing, reduces
costs of capital, manage stakeholder interest which ultimately increase corporate …