Phytoextraction of heavy metals from contaminated soil, water and atmosphere using ornamental plants: mechanisms and efficiency improvement strategies
B Asgari Lajayer, N Khadem Moghadam… - … Science and Pollution …, 2019 - Springer
Accumulation of heavy metals (HMs) in soil, water and air is one of the major environmental
concerns worldwide, which mainly occurs due to anthropogenic activities such as …
concerns worldwide, which mainly occurs due to anthropogenic activities such as …
A review on air pollution monitoring and management using plants with special reference to foliar dust adsorption and physiological stress responses
Air pollution has become a major environmental risk as far as public health is concerned. It
has been proposed that reduction in levels of air pollution may result in lessening of the …
has been proposed that reduction in levels of air pollution may result in lessening of the …
Monitoring of heavy metals in topsoils, atmospheric particles and plant leaves to identify possible contamination sources
The research reveals results of metal pollution on urban topsoil in relation to the metal
content in leaves of two plant species and atmospheric particles. The content of pollutants …
content in leaves of two plant species and atmospheric particles. The content of pollutants …
Heavy metal accumulation by Acer platanoides and Robinia pseudoacacia in an industrial city (Northern Steppe of Ukraine)
The role of tree species as a tool for bioaccumulation of heavy metals is an important current
issue within the context of the increase of anthropogenic pressure in urban ecosystems. The …
issue within the context of the increase of anthropogenic pressure in urban ecosystems. The …
Plant canopies: bio-monitor and trap for re-suspended dust particulates contaminated with heavy metals
Urban and peri-urban vegetation is being considered for air pollution abatement.
Appropriate plants with efficiency to adsorb and absorb air-pollutants are the prerequisite for …
Appropriate plants with efficiency to adsorb and absorb air-pollutants are the prerequisite for …
The composition and relationships between trace element levels in inhalable atmospheric particles (PM10) and in leaves of Nerium oleander L. and Lantana camara …
In order to evaluate the composition of inhalable atmospheric particles and to study the
relationship between trace element levels in PM10 and in leaves of two plant species, the …
relationship between trace element levels in PM10 and in leaves of two plant species, the …
Amelioration of salt stress effects on the morpho-physiological, biochemical and K/Na ratio of Vicia faba plants by foliar application of yeast extract
Salinity is one of the most severe environmental stresses that negatively affects field crops'
development and biochemical properties on a widespread global scale. Consequently …
development and biochemical properties on a widespread global scale. Consequently …
Biomonitoring of chemical elements in an urban environment using arboreal and bush plant species
Purpose The aim of this work was to investigate the possibility of using several bush and
arboreal plant species, usually present as ornamental plants in street and parks, as …
arboreal plant species, usually present as ornamental plants in street and parks, as …
Assessment of heavy metal pollution in Republic of Macedonia using a plant assay
Different plant organs (leaves, flowers, stems, or roots) from four plant species—Urtica dioica
L.(Urticaceae), Robinia pseudoacacia L.(Fabaceae), Taraxacum officinale (Asteraceae) …
L.(Urticaceae), Robinia pseudoacacia L.(Fabaceae), Taraxacum officinale (Asteraceae) …
Elemental analysis of tree leaves by total reflection X-ray fluorescence: New approaches for air quality monitoring
This work shows that total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) is a fast, easy and successful
tool to determine the presence of potentially toxic elements in atmospheric aerosols …
tool to determine the presence of potentially toxic elements in atmospheric aerosols …