The geochemical evolution of the continental crust

SR Taylor, SM McLennan - Reviews of geophysics, 1995‏ - Wiley Online Library
A survey is given of the dimensions and composition of the present continental crust. The
abundances of immobile elements in sedimentary rocks are used to establish upper crustal …


SB Shirey, RJ Walker - Annual Review of Earth and Planetary …, 1998‏ -
▪ Abstract The Re-Os isotope sytem, based on the long-lived β− transition of 187Re to
187Os, has matured to wide use in cosmochemistry and high-temperature geochemistry …

Evolution of the depleted mantle: Hf isotope evidence from juvenile rocks through time

JD Vervoort, J Blichert-Toft - Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 1999‏ - Elsevier
The covariant behavior of Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd isotopes during most magmatic processes has
long been recognized, but the details of this behavior in the depleted mantle reservoir have …

Nature of the Earth's earliest crust from hafnium isotopes in single detrital zircons

Y Amelin, DC Lee, AN Halliday, RT Pidgeon - Nature, 1999‏ -
Continental crust forms from, and thus chemically depletes, the Earth's mantle. Evidence that
the Earth's mantle was already chemically depleted by melting before the formation of …

Separation of Hf and Lu for high-precision isotope analysis of rock samples by magnetic sector-multiple collector ICP-MS

J Blichert-Toft, C Chauvel, F Albarède - Contributions to Mineralogy and …, 1997‏ - Springer
Potential applications of the Lu-Hf isotope system have long been impeded by the analytical
difficulties of obtaining data on a wide variety of geological materials. Many of these …

Oxygen-isotope evidence from ancient zircons for liquid water at the Earth's surface 4,300 Myr ago

SJ Mojzsis, TM Harrison, RT Pidgeon - Nature, 2001‏ -
Granitoid gneisses and supracrustal rocks that are 3,800–4,000 Myr old are the oldest
recognized exposures of continental crust. To obtain insight into conditions at the Earth's …

Hadean crustal evolution revisited: new constraints from Pb–Hf isotope systematics of the Jack Hills zircons

AIS Kemp, SA Wilde, CJ Hawkesworth… - Earth and Planetary …, 2010‏ - Elsevier
Detrital zircon crystals from the Jack Hills metasedimentary belt, Western Australia, are the
only surviving vestiges of Hadean crust and represent an extraordinary archive into the …

The Archean grey gneisses and the genesis of continental crust

H Martin - Developments in Precambrian geology, 1994‏ - Elsevier
Publisher Summary The solar system formed in an already old Universe, which was about
10 Ga after the Big Bang. The earth accreted from dust and gas in the inner part of the solar …

Constraints on early Earth differentiation from hafnium and neodymium isotopes

JD Vervoort, PJ Patchett, GE Gehrels, AP Nutman - Nature, 1996‏ -
INFERENCES about the early evolution of the Earth's crust and mantle have come largely
from the study of isotope systematics—in particular, those of neodymium1–5. Neodymium …

Heterogeneous Hadean hafnium: evidence of continental crust at 4.4 to 4.5 Ga

TM Harrison, J Blichert-Toft, W Muller, F Albarede… - Science, 2005‏ -
The long-favored paradigm for the development of continental crust is one of progressive
growth beginning at∼ 4 billion years ago (Ga). To test this hypothesis, we measured initial …