Cyanobacteria harmful algae blooms: Causes, impacts, and risk management
Cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms (cHABs) are increasingly becoming an emerging threat
to aquatic life, ecotourism, and certain real estate investments. Their spontaneous yet …
to aquatic life, ecotourism, and certain real estate investments. Their spontaneous yet …
[HTML][HTML] The diversity of cyanobacterial toxins on structural characterization, distribution and identification: A systematic review
X Du, H Liu, L Yuan, Y Wang, Y Ma, R Wang, X Chen… - Toxins, 2019 -
The widespread distribution of cyanobacteria in the aquatic environment is increasing the
risk of water pollution caused by cyanotoxins, which poses a serious threat to human health …
risk of water pollution caused by cyanotoxins, which poses a serious threat to human health …
[HTML][HTML] Understanding the risks of diffusion of cyanobacteria toxins in rivers, lakes, and potable water
Blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria, may be prevalent in our rivers and tap water. These
minuscule bacteria can grow swiftly and form blooms in warm, nutrient-rich water. Toxins …
minuscule bacteria can grow swiftly and form blooms in warm, nutrient-rich water. Toxins …
[HTML][HTML] Cyanobacterial bloom monitoring and assessment in Latin America
Cyanobacterial blooms have serious adverse effects on human and environmental health. In
Latin America, one of the main world's freshwater reserves, information on this phenomenon …
Latin America, one of the main world's freshwater reserves, information on this phenomenon …
Cyanotoxins in inland lakes of the United States: Occurrence and potential recreational health risks in the EPA National Lakes Assessment 2007
A large nation-wide survey of cyanotoxins (1161 lakes) in the United States (US) was
conducted during the EPA National Lakes Assessment 2007. Cyanotoxin data were …
conducted during the EPA National Lakes Assessment 2007. Cyanotoxin data were …
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii: review of the distribution, phylogeography, and ecophysiology of a global invasive species
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii is a cyanobacterial species extensively studied for its toxicity,
bloom formation and invasiveness potential, which have consequences to public and …
bloom formation and invasiveness potential, which have consequences to public and …
Detection of cyanotoxins in algae dietary supplements
Algae dietary supplements are marketed worldwide as natural health products. Although
their proprieties have been claimed as beneficial to improve overall health, there have been …
their proprieties have been claimed as beneficial to improve overall health, there have been …
CyanoStrainChip: A Novel DNA Microarray Tool for High-Throughput Detection of Environmental Cyanobacteria at the Strain Level
Detecting cyanobacteria in environments is an important concern due to their crucial roles in
ecosystems, and they can form blooms with the potential to harm humans and nonhuman …
ecosystems, and they can form blooms with the potential to harm humans and nonhuman …
Blue-green algae in surface water: problems and opportunities
Abstract Purpose of Review Cyanobacteria, commonly known as blue-green algae, are
often seen as a problem. Their accumulation (bloom) in surface water can cause toxicity and …
often seen as a problem. Their accumulation (bloom) in surface water can cause toxicity and …
Aptamer-based biosensors to detect aquatic phycotoxins and cyanotoxins
Aptasensors have a great potential for environmental monitoring, particularly for real-time on-
site detection of aquatic toxins produced by marine and freshwater microorganisms …
site detection of aquatic toxins produced by marine and freshwater microorganisms …