[HTML][HTML] A comprehensive review of photovoltaic modules models and algorithms used in parameter extraction
Currently, solar energy is one of the leading renewable energy sources that help support
energy transition into decarbonized energy systems for a safer future. This work provides a …
energy transition into decarbonized energy systems for a safer future. This work provides a …
[HTML][HTML] Applications of artificial intelligence to photovoltaic systems: a review
HF Mateo Romero, MÁ González Rebollo… - Applied Sciences, 2022 - mdpi.com
This article analyzes the relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and photovoltaic
(PV) systems. Solar energy is one of the most important renewable energies, and the …
(PV) systems. Solar energy is one of the most important renewable energies, and the …
Machine learning solutions for renewable energy systems: Applications, challenges, limitations, and future directions
Abstract The Paris Agreement, a landmark international treaty signed in 2016 to limit global
warming to 2° C, has urged researchers to explore various strategies for achieving its …
warming to 2° C, has urged researchers to explore various strategies for achieving its …
Leveraging opposition-based learning for solar photovoltaic model parameter estimation with exponential distribution optimization algorithm
Given the multi-model and nonlinear characteristics of photovoltaic (PV) models, parameter
extraction presents a challenging problem. This challenge is exacerbated by the propensity …
extraction presents a challenging problem. This challenge is exacerbated by the propensity …
[HTML][HTML] Parameter extraction of solar photovoltaic cell and module models with metaheuristic algorithms: A review
As the photovoltaic (PV) market share continues to increase, accurate PV modeling will have
a massive impact on the future energy landscape. Therefore, it is imperative to convert …
a massive impact on the future energy landscape. Therefore, it is imperative to convert …
Parameter extraction of photovoltaic models using a memory-based improved gorilla troops optimizer
The parameter extraction of the PV model is a challenging issue owing to its multi-model
and nonlinear characteristics. Moreover, these characteristics of the problem render the …
and nonlinear characteristics. Moreover, these characteristics of the problem render the …
Design of multimodal hub-and-spoke transportation network for emergency relief under COVID-19 pandemic: A meta-heuristic approach
C Li, P Han, M Zhou, M Gu - Applied Soft Computing, 2023 - Elsevier
When COVID-19 suddenly broke out, the epidemic areas are short of basic emergency relief
which need to be transported from surrounding areas. To make transportation both time …
which need to be transported from surrounding areas. To make transportation both time …
[HTML][HTML] Modeling and optimization of a compression ignition engine fueled with biodiesel blends for performance improvement
Biodiesel is considered to be a promising alternative option to diesel fuel. The main
contribution of the current work is to improve compression ignition engine performance …
contribution of the current work is to improve compression ignition engine performance …
Hardware design for implementation of energy management in a solar-interfaced DC microgrid
The growing power requirement and the limited availability of fossil fuels makes it necessary
to use renewable energy resources (RERs) as an alternative. The penetration of renewable …
to use renewable energy resources (RERs) as an alternative. The penetration of renewable …
Rank-driven salp swarm algorithm with orthogonal opposition-based learning for global optimization
Salp swarm algorithm (SSA) is a relatively new and straightforward swarm-based meta-
heuristic optimization algorithm, which is inspired by the flocking behavior of salps when …
heuristic optimization algorithm, which is inspired by the flocking behavior of salps when …