[HTML][HTML] Lipocalin-2: A nurturer of tumor progression and a novel candidate for targeted cancer therapy

M Živalj, JA Van Ginderachter, B Stijlemans - Cancers, 2023 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary The aim of this review is to summarize the available information regarding
Lipocalin-2 in tumor progression. Lipocalin-2 expression is correlated with tumorigenesis …

Assessment of essential and toxic elemental concentrations in tumor and non-tumor tissues with risk of colorectal carcinoma in Pakistan

MA Qayyum, T Farooq, A Baig, TH Bokhari… - Journal of Trace …, 2023 - Elsevier
Background Colorectal tumor is a major cause of cancer morbidity and mortality both in USA
and around the globe. Exposure to environmental toxicants such as toxic trace elements has …

[HTML][HTML] Current approach to the management of preoperative iron deficiency anemia in colorectal cancer patients: a review of literature

J Rudzki, M Polewka, P Agopsowicz, A Nowak… - Polish Journal of …, 2024 - ppch.pl
Introduction: The prevalence of preoperative anemia is the highest in the group of colorectal
cancer (CRC) patients and may reach over 75%. The prevalence of anemia in CRC patients …

Risk factors for sepsis in patients with colorectal cancer complicated with gastrointestinal perforation and its impact on prognosis

Y Wang, X Li, Y Yu, J Liang - Journal of Gastrointestinal …, 2023 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Background Colorectal cancer is the most common gastrointestinal tumor. Gastrointestinal
perforation is a common complication of colorectal cancer, resulting in peritonitis, abdominal …

[PDF][PDF] A Narrative Literature Review on Sepsis: A Primary Manifestation of Colorectal Neoplasm

L Masood, A Müller, NZ Ali, A Mummadisetty, A Yahya… - Cureus, 2023 - cureus.com
Sepsis and colorectal cancer (CRC) exhibit a complex relationship that warrants further
exploration. This review delves into the interplay of factors between sepsis and CRC …

[PDF][PDF] An overview of the current evidences on the role of iron in colorectal cancer: a review

MH Yousefi, A Masoudi, MS Rounkian, M Mansouri… - 2025 - researchgate.net
Cancer is a major global health challenge, affecting millions of people every year. According
to the World Health Organization, cancer was the second leading cause of death worldwide …

Iron, Copper, and Selenium: Cancer's Thing for Redox Bling

EM Terzi, R Possemato - Cold Spring …, 2024 - perspectivesinmedicine.cshlp.org
Cells require micronutrients for numerous basic functions. Among these, iron, copper, and
selenium are particularly critical for redox metabolism, and their importance is heightened …


АВ Снеговой - Москва, 2024 - ronc.ru
Анемия, связанная со злокачественными новообразованиями (ЗНО), представляет
собой распространенное и потенциально жизнеугрожающее осложнение, которое …

Procjena nutritivnog statusa kod oboljelih od kolorektalnog karcinoma

B Jerak - 2023 - zir.nsk.hr
Sažetak Pacijenti s kolorektalnim karcinomom u usporedbi s drugim vrstama malignih
tumora imaju jednu od najviših stopa malnutricije što negativno utječe na ishode liječenja …


АО АНДРІЯКА - 2023 - ir.nuozu.edu.ua
Матеріалом для дослідження служила плазма крові 445 пацієнтів (217 жінок та 228
чоловіків), серед яких обстежено 53 пацієнта (31 жінка та 22 чоловіка) із …