Computational optimal transport: With applications to data science
Optimal transport (OT) theory can be informally described using the words of the French
mathematician Gaspard Monge (1746–1818): A worker with a shovel in hand has to move a …
mathematician Gaspard Monge (1746–1818): A worker with a shovel in hand has to move a …
Unbalanced optimal transport, from theory to numerics
Optimal Transport (OT) has recently emerged as a central tool in data sciences to compare
in a geometrically faithful way point clouds and more generally probability distributions. The …
in a geometrically faithful way point clouds and more generally probability distributions. The …
Equivariant flow matching
Normalizing flows are a class of deep generative models that are especially interesting for
modeling probability distributions in physics, where the exact likelihood of flows allows …
modeling probability distributions in physics, where the exact likelihood of flows allows …
Unsupervised alignment of embeddings with wasserstein procrustes
We consider the task of aligning two sets of points in high dimension, which has many
applications in natural language processing and computer vision. As an example, it was …
applications in natural language processing and computer vision. As an example, it was …
Relative representations enable zero-shot latent space communication
Neural networks embed the geometric structure of a data manifold lying in a high-
dimensional space into latent representations. Ideally, the distribution of the data points in …
dimensional space into latent representations. Ideally, the distribution of the data points in …
Explainable legal case matching via inverse optimal transport-based rationale extraction
As an essential operation of legal retrieval, legal case matching plays a central role in
intelligent legal systems. This task has a high demand on the explainability of matching …
intelligent legal systems. This task has a high demand on the explainability of matching …
The unbalanced gromov wasserstein distance: Conic formulation and relaxation
Comparing metric measure spaces (ie a metric space endowed with a probability
distribution) is at the heart of many machine learning problems. The most popular distance …
distribution) is at the heart of many machine learning problems. The most popular distance …
Infoot: Information maximizing optimal transport
Optimal transport aligns samples across distributions by minimizing the transportation cost
between them, eg, the geometric distances. Yet, it ignores coherence structure in the data …
between them, eg, the geometric distances. Yet, it ignores coherence structure in the data …
Cross-domain imitation learning via optimal transport
Cross-domain imitation learning studies how to leverage expert demonstrations of one
agent to train an imitation agent with a different embodiment or morphology. Comparing …
agent to train an imitation agent with a different embodiment or morphology. Comparing …
Pre-training for speech translation: Ctc meets optimal transport
The gap between speech and text modalities is a major challenge in speech-to-text
translation (ST). Different methods have been proposed to reduce this gap, but most of them …
translation (ST). Different methods have been proposed to reduce this gap, but most of them …