On the role of asymmetric frontal cortical activity in approach and withdrawal motivation: An updated review of the evidence
We review conceptual arguments and research on the role of asymmetric frontal cortical
activity in emotional and motivational processes. The current article organizes and reviews …
activity in emotional and motivational processes. The current article organizes and reviews …
Review and classification of emotion recognition based on EEG brain-computer interface system research: a systematic review
Recent developments and studies in brain-computer interface (BCI) technologies have
facilitated emotion detection and classification. Many BCI studies have sought to investigate …
facilitated emotion detection and classification. Many BCI studies have sought to investigate …
A review of cognitive dissonance theory in management research: Opportunities for further development
Since its introduction to the social psychology literature 60 years ago, Festinger's cognitive
dissonance theory (CDT) has been frequently applied to the management literature to …
dissonance theory (CDT) has been frequently applied to the management literature to …
Resolving the meat-paradox: A motivational account of morally troublesome behavior and its maintenance
A majority of people the world over eat meat, yet many of these same people experience
discomfort when the meat on their plate is linked to the death of animals. We draw on this …
discomfort when the meat on their plate is linked to the death of animals. We draw on this …
Compensatory control and the appeal of a structured world.
People are motivated to perceive themselves as having control over their lives.
Consequently, they respond to events and cognitions that reduce control with compensatory …
Consequently, they respond to events and cognitions that reduce control with compensatory …
Threat and defense: From anxiety to approach
The social psychological literature on threat and defense is fragmented. Groups of
researchers have focused on distinct threats, such as mortality, uncertainty, uncontrollability …
researchers have focused on distinct threats, such as mortality, uncertainty, uncontrollability …
Rationalization is rational
F Cushman - Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2020 - cambridge.org
Rationalization occurs when a person has performed an action and then concocts the
beliefs and desires that would have made it rational. Then, people often adjust their own …
beliefs and desires that would have made it rational. Then, people often adjust their own …
On the importance of both dimensional and discrete models of emotion
We review research on the structure and functions of emotions that has benefitted from a
serious consideration of both discrete and dimensional perspectives on emotion. To …
serious consideration of both discrete and dimensional perspectives on emotion. To …
The psychology of attitudes and attitude change
Welcome to the third edition of The Psychology of Attitudes & Attitude Change. As you would
expect, this edition contains many new developments. As a starting point, Bas Verplanken …
expect, this edition contains many new developments. As a starting point, Bas Verplanken …
Mechanisms of identity conflict: Uncertainty, anxiety, and the behavioral inhibition system
Social identities are associated with normative standards for thought and action, profoundly
influencing the behavioral choices of individual group members. These social norms provide …
influencing the behavioral choices of individual group members. These social norms provide …